Dr. Mohd Khalid

I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of mathematics and computing at the Indian Institute of Technology (ISM),  after obtaining a B.Sc and MSc in statistics at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. My research interests are in sample surveys, both theoretical and applied. For more information, please visit (

  1. Estimation of finite population mean of a sensitive variableusing three-stage optional RRT in the presence ofnon-response and measurement errors

    Onyango, R., Mohd, Khalid, Shabbir, J., Apima, S. B., & Wanjara, A. (2024). Estimation of finite population mean of a sensitive variable using three-stage optional RRT in the presence of non-response and measurement errors. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1– 16. 


  2. An improved class of estimators for estimation of population distribution functions under stratified random sampling

    S. Ahmad, J. Shabbir, W. Emam, E. Zahid, M. Amir, Mohd. Khalid, M.M. Anas: An improved class of estimators for estimating population distribution functions under stratified random sampling. Heliyon, Article 10 (2024)e28272.

  3. General Estimation Procedures of Population Mean in Two-occasion Successive Sampling under Random Non-response

    Khalid M., and G. N. Singh (2022): General Estimation Procedures of Population Mean in Two-occasion Successive Sampling under Random Non-response.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences” Vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 205-215,(DOI: 10.1007/s40010-020-00713-w).

  4. Some Imputation Methods to Compensate with Non-Response for Estimation of Population Mean in Two-occasion Successive Sampling

    G. N. Singh and Khalid M. (2020): Some Imputation Methods to Compensate with Non-Response for Estimation of Population Mean in Two-occasion Successive Sampling, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol. 49, No. 14, pp. 3329-3351,

  5. Some Imputation Methods to Deal with Issue of Missing Data Problems Due to Random Non-Response in Two-occasion Successive Sampling

    Khalid M., and G. N. Singh (2022): Some Imputation Methods to Deal with Issue of Missing Data Problems Due to Random Non-Response in Two-occasion Successive Sampling, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol.51, No.12, pp.7266-7286.(

  6. Study of a Memory Type Shrinkage Estimator of Population Mean in Quality Control Process

    Singh, G.N, Bhattacharyya, D, Bandyopadhyay, A and Khalid, Mohd (2021): Study of a Memory Type Shrinkage Estimator of Population Mean in Quality Control Process, IEE Access, Vol.9, pp.161555-161564, (, 

  7. Some Imputation Methods to Deal with the Problems of Missing Data in Two-Occasion Successive Sampling

    G. N. Singh, Khalid M., and Jong-Min Kim (2021):  Some Imputation Methods to Deal with the Problems of Missing Data in Two-Occasion Successive Sampling. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol. 50, No. 02, pp. 557-580, (

  8. A Composite Class of Estimators to Deal with the Issue of Variance Estimation under the Situations of Random Non-Response in Two-Occasion Successive Sampling

    G. N. Singh and Khalid M. (2022). A Composite Class of Estimators to Deal with the Issue of Variance Estimation under the Situations of Random Non-Response in Two-Occasion Successive Sampling.  Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1454-1473,

  9. Some effective class of estimators of population mean in two-phase successive sampling under random non-response

    Singh, G. N., mohd Khalid, and Sharma, A. K. (2017):Some effective class of estimators of population means in two-phase successive sampling under random non-response. Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, Vol. 46, No. 24, pp. 12194-12209.  (

  10. Effective Estimation Strategy of Population Variance in Two-Phase Successive Sampling under Random Non-Response

    Singh, G. N. and mohd Khalid, M. (2019): Effective Estimation Strategy of Population Variance in Two-Phase Successive Sampling under Random Non-Response. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 13: 4. 
  11. An Effective Estimation Strategy for Population mean under Random Non-Response Situations in Two-Phase Successive Sampling

    Singh, G. N., Khalid, M. (2018):  An Effective Estimation Strategy for Population mean under Random Non-Response Situations in Two-Phase Successive Sampling. Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, Vol. 47, No. 19, pp. 4641-4660,(

  12. Exponential chain dual to ratio and regression type estimators of population mean in two-phase sampling

    Singh, G. N., and Khalid, M. (2016): Exponential chain dual to ratio and regression type estimators of population mean in two-phase sampling. Statistica, Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. 379-389. (

Practice Problem related to OS_2
Practice Problems related to OS_1
Practice problems related to Convergence in probability
Practice problems related to Convergence in distribution