
Administration (Non Teaching)

List of Directors/coordinators/mics/misc.

uploaded on 30.01.2023

Director , Centre of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension

Prof. Mohd Gulrez, Department of West Asian Studies

Deputy Director , Centre of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension

Dr. Ayesha Munira Rasheed, Associate Professor

Director , Bridge Course for Graduates of Deeni Madaris

Mr. Naseem Ahmad Khan, D/o Chemical Engineering

Director , Centre for Promotion of Educational Advancement of Muslims of India

Mr. Naseem Ahmad Khan, D/o Chemical Engineering

Assistant Director , Centre for Promotion of Educational Advancement of Muslims of India

Mr. Bachchan Ali Khan , Saiyyid Hamid, SSS[Boys]

Director , Centre for Women’s Studies

Professor Azra Musavi, Centre for Women’s Studies

Assistant Director , Centre for Women’s Studies

Dr. Huma Hasan, Assistant Professor, Centre for Women’s Studies

Director , Centre for Distance Education

Prof.. Mohd. Nafees Ahmad Ansari, Department of Political Science

Director (Honorary) , Institute of Persian Research

Prof. Mohd. Usman Ghani, Department of Persian

Advisor (Honorary) , Institute of Persian Research

Professor Azarmi Dukht Safawi, (Retired), Department of Persian

Director , Medical Attendance Scheme (MAS)

Prof. Hammad Usmani, Department of Anesthesiology

Deputy Director , Medical Attendance Scheme (MAS)

Dr. Mohd Salman Shah, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

Director , Prof. K.A.N.C. for Quranic Studies

Professor A. R. Kidwai

Director , Residential Coaching Academy

Prof. Saghir Ahmad Ansari,  D/o Agriculture Economics & Business Management

Assistant Director , Residential Coaching Academy

Dr. Asif Khan, D/o Mathematics

Assistant Director , Residential Coaching Academy

Dr. Shivangini Tandon, Centre for Women's Studies

Director , Career Planning Centre

Prof. Naima Khatoon, Principal, Womens College

Director , Sir Syed Academy

Professor Ali Mohd Naqvi (Retired), Department of History

Deputy Director , Sir Syed Academy including Publication Division

Dr. Mohammed Shahid (retired), University Polytechnic

Director , Computer Centre

Dr. Parvez Mahmood Khan

Assistant Director (Honorary) , Chemical Research in Unani Medicine, AKTC

Dr. Shafiullah, Assistant Professor, D/o Chemistry

Director , Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Prof. Asad Ullah Khan, Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit

Coordinator , Social Science Cyber Library

Chairman, D/o Library & Information Science

Ex-Officio Coordinator , Musa Dakri University Museum, Kennedy Hall

Chairman, D/o History

Ex-Officio Deputy Coordinator , Musa Dakri University Museum, Kennedy Hall

Chairman, D/o Museology

Coordinator , Students Counselling Centre

Dr. S. Reshma Jamal, Associate Professor, D/o Psychology

Assistant Coordinator , Students Counselling Centre

Dr. Sarah Javed, Assistant Professor (Contractual) Psychology Section Womens College

Assistant Coordinator , Students Counselling Centre

Dr. Mahvish Fatima, Assistant Professor, D/o Psychology

Assistant Coordinator , Students Counselling Centre

Dr. Asif Hasan, Assistant Professor, D/o Psychology

Assistant Counsellor , Students Counselling Centre

Dr. Mohammad Akram, Department of Psychology

Coordinator, AMU Centers

Prof. Iqbal Ali Khan, D/o Law

Coordinator , B.E. (Evening) Course

Professor Salman Hameed,  Department of Electrical Engineering

Director , Centre of Professional Courses (647©/29.9.21)

Dr. Mohd Asif Khan, Department of Commerce

Coordinator , Disability Unit

Prof. Manvendra Kumar Pundhir, D/o History

Deputy Coordinator , Disability Unit

Dr. Asif Ali, Associate Professor University Polytechnic

Deputy Coordinator , Disability Unit

Dr. Fazila Shahnawaz, Assistant Professor, D/o History

Hony Counselor / Placement officer, Disability Unit

Dr. Shagufta Niyaz, Assistant Professor in Hindi, Womens College

Hony Counselor / Placement officer, Disability Unit

Dr. Waseem Raza Khan, PGT in AMU Girls School

Coordinator , Cultural Education Centre

Prof. Faud Saeed Sheerani D/o Kulliyat

Programme Coordinator, NSS

Dr. Arshad Husain, University Polytechnic

Coordinator , University Sophisticated Instrument Facility [USIF]

Professor Sartaj Tabassum, D/o Chemistry

Deputy Coordinator , University Sophisticated Instrument Facility [USIF]

Prof. S.M. Abbas Abidi, Department of Zoology

Coordinator , University Extension Lectures

Professor Nisar Ahmad Khan, Department of Economics

Deputy Coordinator , University Extension Lectures

Dr. Mohammad Mohibul Haque, Department of Political Science

Coordinator, Centre for Food Science & Technology

Prof. Syed Akhlaq Ahmad, Chairperson D/o Chemical Engineering

Coordinator , AMU CCTV Surveillance System

Mr. Arman Rasool Faridi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Centre of Artificial Intelligence

Pofessor Rashid Ali Department of Computer Engineering

Coordinator , Language of Advertising Media and Marketing (LAMM)

Chairman, D/o Lingustics

Member Incharge , Dawakhana Tibbiya College

Prof. (Mrs.) Salma Ahmed

Member Incharge , Building Department

Prof. Fareed Mahdi, D/o Civil Engineering

Associate Member Incharge , Building Department

Prof. Izharul Haq Farooqui, D/o Civil Engineering

Member Incharge , Central Automobile Workshop (CAW)

Professor Mohammed Ali, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Associate Member Incharge , Central Automobile Workshop (CAW)

Dr. Syed Imran Shafiq, D/o Mechanical Engineering

Member Incharge , Electricity  Department

Dr. Mohd. Rihan, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Associate Member Incharge , Electricity  Department

Dr. Mohd Ajmal Kafeel, Associate Professor, Womens Polytechnic

Member Incharge , Lands & Gardens and Parks

Professor Zaki Anwar Siddiqui, Department of Botany

Honorary Advisor, Land and Gardens

Prof Irshad Mahmood (retired) D/o Botany

Associate Member Incharge , Lands & Gardens and Parks

Dr. Athar Ali Khan, Department of Botany

Associate Member Incharge , Lands & Gardens and Parks

Dr. Tariq Aftab, Department of Botany

Member Incharge , Telephones

Professor Qazi Mazhar Ali, Department of Statistics & O. R.

Member Incharge , AMU Gas Agency

Dr. Riaz Ahmad, D/o Zoology

Associate Member Incharge , AMU Gas Agency

Dr. Mohammad Kashif, Assistant, D/o Chemistry

Member Incharge, Properties & Waqfs

Prof. Shakeel Ahmad, Department of Law

Member Incharge , University Guest Houses

Dr. Jameel Ahmad, Department of Pharmacology (look after vice Prof. Mahboob Hasan, term expired)

Associate Member Incharge , University Guest Houses

Dr. Mohd Qamar Alam, Department of Persian

Member Incharge , Public Relations Office

Prof. M. Shafey Kidwai, Department of Mass Communication

Associate Member Incharge, Public Relations Office

Mr. Mohd Faisal Fareed

Nodal Officer , Minority Students Affairs

Dr. Abdus Samad, Associate Professor, Womens Polytechnic

Incharge , PG Dip in Hospitality Management, Centre for Professional Courses

Prof. S. Husain Ashraf, Department of Commerce

Nodal Officer , All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)

Director, IQAC

Nodal Officer , Integral portal for focused planning

Director, IQAC

Editor , Tehzibul Akhlaq & Nishant

Prof. M. Saud Alam Qasmi, D/o Sunni Theology

Editor , AMU Gazette

Public Relations Officer

OSD , Development

Prof. Afifullah Khan

Editor , Fikr-o-Nazar

Prof. Syed Mohammad Hashim, Department of Urdu

Liaison Officer , SC/ST Cell

Professor M. Rizwan Khan, Department of English

Nodal Officer , Online Students Grievance Redressal portal

Dr. Arman Rasool Faridi, Computer Science

OSD , Controller of Exams

Dr. Faisal Hasan, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Estate Officer , Estate Office, Gazette

Prof. Jamal Ahmad Khan, Department of Wildlife Sciences

OSD , Vice-Chancellor’s Office

Prof. Md. Abdus Salam, Department of Economics

OSD , Vice-Chancellor’s Office

Prof. Asfar Ali Khan, Department of Electrical Engineering

Member , Public Relations Committee

Prof. R.P. Singh (retired), D/o Botany

Member , Public Relations Committee

Prof. Mohammad Asim Siddiqui, D/o English

Member , Public Relations Committee

Prof. Mohd Sajjad, D/o History

Member , Public Relations Committee

Mr. Ajay Bisaria, Associate Prof. ,D/o Hindi

Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Prof. Haris Mansoor Khan, D/o Microbiology

Additional Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Prof. Md. Fakhrul Hoda, Department of Neuro Surgery, JNMC

Additional Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Prof. Mohammad Aftab, Chairperson D/o OTO-Rhino-Laryngology (ENT)

Deputy Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Dr. Husaini S. Haider Mehdi, D/o Medicine

Deputy Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Dr. Aftab Ahmed, ENT

Deputy Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Dr. Adil Raza, D/o Microbiology

Deputy Medical Supeintendent, JNMC Hospital

Dr. Abddul Waris, Institute of Opthalmology

Financial Consultant , Dawakhana Tibbiya College

Prof. Mohd Shamim, Department of Commerce

Quality Controller Advisor , Dawakhana Tibbiya College

Prof. S. H. Afaq (retired), F/o Unani Medicine

Secretary , University Games Committee & President Cricket Club

Prof. S. Amjad Ali Rizvi, Department of Surgery

President  , Football Club

Prof. Ali Athar, Department of History

President  , Hockey Club

Prof. Ghulam Sarwar Hashmi, Oral Maxiofacial Surgery

President  , Tennis Club

Prof Amjad Masood, Department of Civil Engineering

President  , Riding Club

Dr. Wasif Mohd Ali, Assistant Prof., Department of Surgery

President  , Gymkhana Club

Dr. Jameel Ahmad, Department of Pharmacology

President  , Gymnasium Club

Prof. Mazhar Abbas, Department of Orthopadic Surgery

President  , Athletics Club

Prof. Zamirullah Khan, Department of Physical Education

President  , Mountaing & Hiking Club

Dr. Khurram, Department of Political Science

President  , Swimming Club

Dr. Farooq Ahmad Dar D/o Tashreeh Wa Munafe Ul Aza

TPO , General

Mr. Saad Hameed, Publication Cum Sales Officer

Assistant TPO , General

Dr. Jahangir Alam, Associate Professor, Womens Polytechnic

Assistant TPO , General

Dr. Muzammil Mushtaq, Assistant Professor, Library & Information Science

Incharge , PG Dip in Gem Testing and Jewelry Des. Course

Dr. Kr. Farahim Khan, Associate Professor D/o Geology

Incharge , PG Dip in Food Analysis

Dr. Shafiullah, Assistant Professor, D/o Chemistry

Nazim, Sunni Diniyat

Professor Mohammad Saleem, Chairman, Department of Sunni Theology

Honorary Liaison Officer

Dr. Naresh Kumar, Chief Medical Officer

Part time Coordinator, IGNOU

Dr. Aasim Zafar, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science

Deputy Coordinator,
Running the Advance Diploma in Translation Course

Dr. Nazrin B Laskar, D/o Linguistic

Deputy Coordinator,
Running the LAMM Courses

Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan, D/o Linguistic

Deputy Director , Directorate of School Education

Prof. Shaista Afroz, D/o Prosthodontics

Deputy Director , Directorate of School Education

Prof. Abid Ali Khan

Deputy Director , Directorate of School Education

Prof. Qudsia Tahseen, D/o Zoology

Assistant Director , Directorate of School Education

Dr. Mohd. Shadab Khan, Associate Professor, D/o Commerce

Liaison Officer, Ministry of Education

Mr. Arifuddin Ahmed, Joint Registrar (Councils)

Chairman, Rationalization Committee NT Staff

Pro-Vice Chancellor, AMU

Convener, Rationalization Committee NT Staff

Registrar, AMU

Chairman, Management Committee of Musa Dakri

Ex-Officio Coordinator , Musa Dakri University Museum

Assistant Coordinator, NEP (National Education Policy)

Dr. Faisal Anwer, Assistant Professor, D/o Computer Science

Nodal Officer for CU Portal of UGC

Mr. Mohd Afzal, Database Management Officer, IQAC

Coordinator Interdisciplinary Brain research Centre

Prof. Shagufta Moin D/o Biochemistry, JNMC

Joint Director, Centre for Promotion of Science

Prof. Hisamuddin, Department of Botany

Coordinator, Centre for Intergrated Green and Renewable Energy

Dr. Adil Sarwar, Assistant Professor, D/o Elecrical Engineering