
Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Library



       Service is considered as key factors for any institution and quality of service is an  important parameter to evaluate standards of the institution. There is great importance of service in library and information centre. The AKTC Library is providing two types of services:


A-Technical Services

       The technical services are carried out by the library staff. The AKTC Library is providing technical services in terms of:-

  • Accession, Classification & Cataloguing of documents.
  • Entry of documents in the computers.
  • Maintaining of  Records  (i.e. Registers/ Files /Computerized  data)
  • Miscellaneous work (i. e Photocopying of documents for official purpose, Binding of books etc.)


B-Reader Services

       The Reader services are carried out by the library staff and there is direct contact of users to it. The AKTC Library is providing following services to its users.

  1. Circulation Services

               Issue and return of Books to the members within the library and at home.

  1. Current awareness Services

               Display of current books/Journals magazines acquired by the library.

  1. Advisory & Reference Services

               Advice to the members of the library regarding their study material.

  1. Reservation of documents

               Reservation of books for users of the library on demand.

       5.Photocopying Service

               Xeroxing of documents  is provided to the members of library on commercial basis

  1. Reading Room Service

               The Consultation of books within the library is   provided to the library members.

  1. Press Clipping Services

               Maintaining record of News related to AKTC, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU based on news papers  acquired in the AKTC Library.

  1. Consultation of Previous Examination Papers

               The Library also provides Previous Exam Papers to the undergraduate/postgraduate and Diploma students.

  1. Miscellaneous Services

               The AKTC Library is hub for various activities of the College (i.e. Student election, Entrance Exams, Iftar/Farewell Party, etc.)