Maulana Azad Library
DELNET Services
DELNET-Developing Library Network, New Delhi is a major resource sharing library Network in India connecting more than 9000 institutions in 28 States and 8 Union Territories in India and few other countries comprising of Universities, Colleges, R&D organisations, medical hospitals, etc. DELNET is devoted to the Modernisation & Networking of Libraries. It was registered as a Society on June 30, 1992. It is located in Jawaharlal Nehru University Campus, New Delhi. “Networking Libraries, Sharing and Spreading Knowledge” remains the prime motto of DELNET with which it is working relentlessly for past more than 32 years. DELNET has received the prestigious IIPA Award for Excellence in Public Services on October 30, 2020 announced in the gracious presence of the Hon’ble Former Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu.
The main objectives of DELNET is to promote resource sharing among the Member-Libraries by collecting, storing and disseminating information and by offering networked library services to users; to undertake research in the area of information science and technology, offer technical guidance to Member-Libraries; coordinate efforts for suitable collection development; facilitate and promote Inter Library Loan and delivery of documents, etc. DELNET has developed Discovery Portal, Knowledge Gainer Portal, Vision Portal (Video Lectures), Global Research and Innovation Portal(GRIP),etc. The portals have sophisticated features for advance knowledge discovery. It is a simple, single window discovery layer which encourages the users to explore the networked library/knowledge resources offered through DELNET in a feature-rich environment. DELNET is a great boon for faculty, researchers, scholars, students, etc. of Member-Institutions.