Maulana Azad Library
Standard Operating Procedures (SoP)
Collection Development Division
Selection of books
The selection of the books is based on the
· Suggestions/requests received from the faculty members,
· Suggestions/requests received from the research scholars and students
· Suggestions/requests received from different divisions of library i.e. TBI, TSD, RD and staff
· University Librarian may also recommend/select some books based on book reviews etc. books / Textbooks recommended in the different syllabi of the courses.
· Books selected by Faculty Members, University Librarian and other Library Staff from Book Exhibitions and Book Fairs organized/attended from time to time.
Requests are received on prescribed format, through the online link provided on the MA Library Web page/E-mail/by hand. The Collection Development Division then prepares a consolidated list after checking the available budget for purchase of books, as Budget is the most important component in document selection. Then the list is checked from the Library Catalogue/ OPAC to ensure avoidance of duplication. This list is finally approved by the Librarian.
· There are separate funds for MA Library and the College/Faculty/Institutes and Seminar Libraries of the departments may have separate funds.
· The fund of MA Library is utilized by the University Librarian according to the need and requirements of the users with emphasis on overall development of library collection.
· The funds of Faculty, College and Department of studies for books is utilized through University Library. For this purpose, the list of recommended books along with the mentioning of the head of account is sent to the University Librarian for procurement and the University Librarian is placed the orders subject to availability of funds in the head of account mentioned in the list, following the standard procedures/norms.
· Once selection is finalised the books are purchased from the vendors registered with M.A. Library. Orders are placed according to its budget.
· The Library can purchase books from the other vendors in case the registered vendors are unable to supply the same, in an exceptional case. The Library accepts only latest, Indian/paperback editions /latest reprints of the publications, unless otherwise specified. The Library ensures to get maximum possible discount on all books and in no case less than 20% (except Government/ Society/ reputed associations/ organizations/research institutes/ autonomous bodies/NCERT Publications/short discount/no discount publications).The orders are placed as per terms and conditions of M.A. Library. Only F.O.R. supplies are accepted. Timeframe for supply and cancellations is normally 4-5 weeks for foreign publication and two weeks for Indian publication. However in case of urgency due to need or approaching budget deadline or otherwise as the need be, the MA Library is free to fix the duration for supply of the ordered books. For unsupplied books reminders are sent to the vendors. Progress of each order is intimated from time to time.
· The University Librarian may also allow Faculty/College/Institute, Seminar Libraries of the Departments, Principal Investigator of Major Research Projects/SAP-DRS, etc. to purchase books directly/Expost facto as per terms and conditions of the University in very exceptional case for which written permission will be required from the University Librarian.
· In such cases, bills along with the books and authentic Price proof are sent to the M. A. Library for further processing.
Bill Processing
· No bill(s) is processed until and unless the books are received in the Maulana Azad Library. The library accepts the bills as per conversion rates notified by Bank of India on the date of bill/invoice. Once the books are received in the Library, the book(s) are physically checked for any defect in printing, wrong pagination, torn pages etc. In such cases the books are returned to the vendor. The books are also verified with the order list such as- Author, title, edition – number/Indian /Foreign, paperback. The bills received from the vendors are thoroughly verified & checked for price verification, conversion and discount rates by the concerned staff of the Collection Development Division. All the relevant information is verified by the Head/In-charge of the Division.
· The book(s) are accessioned in the Accession register. The Accession Register is the basic record in the library about each document forming part of its collection. Entry for each book is made in the Accession register which has all the relevant details of a book such as name of the author, title, publisher, year of the publication, cost of the book, vendor etc. and this/these accession numbers is/are entered on the books and bills, which is verified by the Head/In-charge of the Section before forwarding the bill to Accounts section.
Payment of bills
· Book(s) once accessioned, the bill(s) are processed by the Account Section of Maulana Azad Library and sent to the Finance and Account Office of the University for Payment.
Gifts & Exchange
· The acquisition of Gift is one of the important source to develop the collection of the library. Gift is received in M.A. Library as per the selection policy of the gifted books. It is the responsibility of the Collection Development Division to determine whether or not the gift will be kept and incorporated into the library’s collection. Selection of the books is based on the thought contents i.e. author and publisher. After verification from the authentic electronic information sources the gifted items i.e. books/journals/CD/pamphlets etc. are accessioned in the accession register of gift. Once an accession number is assigned, it is deemed to be the property of the library. An acknowledgement is sent to the donor.
· Besides other miscellaneous work pertaining to Collection Development Division, replacement cost of lost books is also assessed in this section. This section however, deals with some of the basic records and registers. A number of files relating to the work is also maintained in the division.
Periodical Division
· The M.A. Library sends the letters to the Deans with Departmental Journal’s list and previous fund allocation. Faculty Members may recommend the journal titles from their area of subjects/specialization and submit to the head of the department or to the concern authority.
· The Dean/ Chairman/Director/Principal/Coordinator may compile the list of journals recommended by their respective faculty members and a consolidated list shall be submitted to the University Librarian for the further necessary action at his end.
· If the list not received to the Library before or on the required date of receiving from their end then Librarian will again send a reminder to all the chairmen to send the list at the earliest.
Purchasing Methods of Print Journals/Online Journals
The purchasing methods for print/online journals consists the following standard procedure:
· Selection of Journals (Departments/Central Library)
· Preparation of priority list according to budget
· Sending list to empanelled Agencies for discount rates
· Prepare a report of comparative statement of discounted rates of journals
· Arrangement of Purchase Committee to finalizing the subscription orders
· Presenting the annual report, comparative list of discount rates, supply position of the Agencies before the Purchase Committee
· Taking approval from PC members for placing the subscription orders to the Agencies & Publishers
· Signing of Deed of Agreement with the Agencies to whom the subscription orders is to be send
· Placing of subscription orders to the Agencies/Publishers
· Receiving of invoices and checking througly like price, conversion, price proof etc
· Entry of invoices on the sheet & Libsys
· Processing of invoices for payment
Subscription/Renewal Method of Databases/E-Resources
· The subscription & renewal method for online Databases/E-Resources is different from print journals. The subscription/renewal of databases should be done according to the availability of funds, usability, usage statistics and recommendations received from the faculties and students.
· The University Librarian will arrange the meeting of PC to finalize the subscription of databases. The University Librarian will present a brief report among the PC members consists the usage statistics of the subscribed E-resources, demand of any new e-resource/database (if any) renewal of databases, subscription/renewal report of eShodhSindhu allocated resources to the University (if any). The report will consist of proposed e-resources to be subscribed for the next year according to the availability of funds.
· The PC members will negotiate all the resources with the invited vendors which have to be subscribed for the next year. The below standard procedure are followed to subscribe the e-resources/databases:
o Selection of E-resources/Databases
o Acquiring the usage statistics of the databses
o Preparation of the list of proposed e-resources
o Prepare a report/presentation for the PC members
o Inviting all the vendors whose product has be subscribe or renew
o Inviting all the PC members for negotiation/finalization of the resources
o PC members will negotiate all the proposed resources
o The University Librarian will send the subscription orders to the concerned vendors/agencies for the resources finalized by the PC members
Receiving of Journals & Data Entry in Different Stock Registers & Libsys 7.0
Once journals received in the Division the entry of all the supplied issues must be enter in the Libsys software, ledger register, supply position sheet and in transfer register.
Delivery of Journals to the Concerned Departments
It is the duty of the concerned department to collect their subscribed journals from the Division on time; however, the In-charge of Periodicals Division will send the reminders to the concerned chairperson of the departments to collect the journals as and when required. The Chairman may authorize any staff of their department and issue an authority letter to collect the journals from Periodicals Division.
Missing issues & Claims
· It is the duty of the In-charge/staff of periodical Division to send the claims on time for missing and unsupplied issues to the agency/publishers if the journals not received on time. The claims may be send on half yearly basis depending on the supply status of the journals.
· The previous year claims should be settled within one year from the subscription year’s or in next year depending on the conditions that if a journal has delayed publications or in transit may be avoid to include in claims, because the supply is more important than refund.
Technical Division
Technical Division performs the following works:-
Technical Division
Cataloguing:- Bibliographic details of each document are entered in software Libsys 7.0 according to AACR-2 standards and accessible through OPAC or web-OPAC.
Technical Processing of Books:- Stamping on documents, generating barcode, inserting tattle tape inside the document, pasting of book pockets and book cards etc. and transferring documents to concerned sections.
Current Awareness Service:- Prepare the list of new arrivals and adding it on the library website.
Circulation Division
Circulation Division
Procedure for Library Membership
- Students
The membership application form for Maulana Azad Library may be filled up online at by students for renewal and fresh membership. A print out of the online filled form has to be submitted along with a passport size latest colored photograph in M. A. Library at Circulation Division after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls during working hours from 8.30 AM to 4.00 P.M. with one hour Lunch break from 1.30 AM to 2.30 P.M.
- University Employees
All the permanent employee (Teaching & Non-teaching) employees of the University can get the membership of the library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the Head of the Department/Office. The form is available at the circulation counter.
- Staff on Probation/Temp/ Guest Faculty
The staff on probation/temporary of Guest Faculty can get the membership of the library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the Head of the Department/Office along with a surety bound from the permanent employee of the university. Both forms are available at the circulation counter.
- Visitors/ Scholars from other Universities
The visitors/scholars from outside the university can get the membership of the library for a maximum period of one month, after filling up a membership form for visiting Scholars. They have to submit an introductory letter from their Research Guide/ Head of the Department/ Principal of the College, their valid Identity Card etc. along with their application form.
- Members retired from the University Services
Retired Employees of AMU can get the special membership of the library by filling up a membership form Membership and they have to submit an undertaking duly signed by the head of the department from he has retired.
- Special Membership
The respectable citizens of the Aligarh town and Students, Research Scholars, teachers and retired employees from other recognized institutions can get the special membership of the library by producing their bona fides to the satisfaction of the University Librarian, after filling up a membership form Membership and they have to submit requisite security fee as decided and notified by the management from time to time.
Procedure for Charging and Discharging of Book
Procedure for Issue of a Books
- Text Book Issue Section (TBI)
The books will be issued from Text Book Issue Section of the Circulation Division from 8.15 A.M. to 3.30 P.M. The borrower will select a book for his/her choice from the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) of the Library and note down the Call no. of a book on a slip. The borrower first deposit their requisition slips to staff of the TBI counter, if the book is available then present their borrower card at the issue counter. The Library staff will first scan the borrower card and then the bar code of a book, after that he will put the due date on the date slip of the book, then the book will be demagnetized by the machine so it can pass through the magnetic gate. The borrower card and book will be handed over to the borrower.
- General Books from Stacks
The Library is using Open Access System in Stacks for General Books, where users allowed going to the shelves and choosing a book, then book has to be given to the staff available in the different stacks. He will note down the details of the book and the users and hand over book to the user. The user will bring book and present both book and borrower card to the staff of issue counter for issuing of a book. The Library staff will first scan the borrower card and then the bar code of a book, after that he will put the due date of the date slip of the book, then the book will be demagnetize by the machine and borrower card and book will be handed over to the borrower. The books can be borrowed from 9.00 A.M. to 3.30 P.M.
- Procedure for Return of a Book
All the documents issued from the library will be returned at the Circulation Counter of the Library from 8.15 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. The user will present the book to the Staff available at the return counter of the Circulation Division; he will scan the Accession No. of a book through barcode reader and return the book.
Reader Services Division
Reading Halls/Sections
Readers Services Division consists of the following Reading Halls/Sections
S.No. |
Name of the Reading Hall/Section |
Specialization |
Seating Capacity |
1. |
Research Division |
Faculty Members and Research Scholars |
216 |
2. |
Professional Studies Division |
General Hall |
320 |
3. |
Textual Studies Division |
General Hall |
188 |
4. |
M.R. Reading Hall |
General Hall |
168 |
5. |
P.G. Hall |
PG Students |
144 |
6. |
Dalai Lama Hall |
General Hall |
256 |
7. |
Girls Reading Hall - 1 |
General Hall for Girls |
36 |
8. |
Girls Reading Hall - 2 |
General Hall for Girls |
40 |
9. |
Magazines, Newspapers and Serial Section |
General Hall |
40 |
10. |
Theses/Dissertation Section |
Faculty Members, Research Scholars and PG Students |
10 |
11. |
Newspaper Reading Area |
General Hall |
50 |
12. |
Braille Section |
Visually Impaired |
40 |
13. |
Digital Resource Centre (DRC) |
Faculty Members, Research Scholars and PG Students (Final Year) |
96 |
• 08:00 AM - 02:00 AM (Next Day) (Except Friday).
• Friday: 08:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 03:00 PM - 02:00 AM (Next Day).
Services and Facilities
• Book Issue/Return facility is provided only for consultation within the library premises.
• Only one book will be issued at a time to the user after the submission of library card.
• Book issued from the reading hall must be returned before the closing of the library on the same day. If the book is not returned, user has to pay the fine which will be decided by the University Librarian.
• Issued book is the sole responsibility of the concerned user. If the book is misplaced/lost, the user has to replace it by same or latest edition of the same title. In case book can’t be replaced, the assessed cost of the book will have to be paid by the user.
• Library is not responsible for the loss of users’ personal belongings. Therefore, neither CCTV shall be displayed nor CCTV footage will be provided to the concerned user.
• Newspapers/magazines in various languages are available for the user community.
• Information/knowledge needs of visually impaired users are catered by Braille Section.
• Reference Material is provided to the users on demand.
• Theses/Dissertations of various disciplines are available for consultation in the Theses/Dissertations Section only.
• Access to the e-resources subscribed by the university as well as available in the public domain is provided to the user community by Digital Resources Centre.
Note: The above mentioned services and facilities are available only for bonafide users.
Computer Applications Division
1. Procedure for Plagiarism Checking
following procedures are followed in Computer Applications Division, Maulana
Azad Library for the plagiarism checking:
For checking plagiarism of a
document, users are required to visit the Computer Applications Division of
Maulana Azad Library with their documents on all working days except holidays.
However, Teaching/ Non-teaching staffs may send their documents for plagiarism
checking through e-mail on
There are two software available
for plagiarism checking namely URKUND (provided by UGC) and TURNITIN
(Subscribed by the University).
Users are required to fill up
their particulars in the Plagiarism Register maintained at the Division. The
Plagiarism Register contains the following particulars to be filled up by the
o Name
of the Candidate:
o Enrolment
No. (in case of Student/PDF Scholar):
o Permanent
ID No. (in case of Teaching/ Non-Teaching Staff):
o Course
(in case of Student/PDF Scholar):
o Department:
o Supervisor’s
Name (in case of Student/PDF Scholar):
o Signature:
o Topic/Title:
o E-mail
o Similarity
(provided by the CAD):
We ensure that the user is an
enrolled student or staff of Aligarh Muslim University and the documents must
belongs to the candidate.
Once the user filled up their
particulars in the Plagiarism Register, some of the following particulars have
been put into the documents provided by the user.
o Name
of Candidate:
o Enrolment
No. (in case of Student/PDF Scholar):/PID No. (in case of Teaching/
Non-Teaching Staff):
o Supervisor
(in case of Student/PDF Scholar):
o Department:
After putting the details of candidate into the document, the document is
renamed as:
Type of Document |
Name of File after Renaming |
Thesis |
Thesis-Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Dissertation |
Dissertation- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Project Report |
Project Report- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Paper/Article |
Paper/Article- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Book Chapter |
Book Chapter- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Review Article |
Review Article- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Class Assignment |
Class Assignment- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Synopsis |
Synopsis- Name of the Candidate (Enrolment No./PID No.)-AMU |
Once the document is renamed,
same has been uploaded on Urkund/Turnitin software for plagiarism checking.
· After the similarity/plagiarism
report of the document is generated, the same is downloaded and forwarded on
the user’s E-mail ID.
· The Division also monitors follow
up e-mails on for ensuring that users must be getting the
plagiarism report on time.
2. Procedure for Providing DELNET Inter Library Loan Services
For availing ILL services, user is required to submit an application requesting the ILL service with the following details of books/Articles.
o Title
o Author and
o Publisher
ILL requests can be registered online for books/articles and for the resources not available in the union catalogues and journal articles, requests can be sent to DELNET through E-mail by the Computer Applications Division. The requested books/articles are sent to 'University Librarian, Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002’ under ILL scheme through courier/post for a limited period only. The expenses of courier and photocopy of the books/articles are borne by the users.
4. Procedure for Activation of Grammarly Account
Users may register themselves by filling up the requisition form available on the Library webpage. Separate requisition forms for faculty members and research scholars are available on the library webpage at
- The particulars of the candidate will be verified after filled in the requisition form received at the Computer Applications Division of Maulana Azad Library.
- The Computer Applications Division creates and maintains a database of Grammarly applicants in the MS-Excel file. The following particulars of the candidate is entered into MS-Excel database
o Salutation
o First Name
o Last Name
o Enroll No.
o User Type
o Course
o Supervisor
o Department
o Library Membership No.
o Mobile
o E-mail
o Alternate E-mail
o Remarks
o E-mail Sent
o Date
- After that, the candidate will be registered for the Grammarly Premium Account using Grammarly Admin Panel.
- Once the candidate gets registered by the administrator, he/she will receive a self-generated e-mail with an activation link on his/her registered mail.
- The candidate is required to click on the activation link for activating the Grammarly Account.
5.1 The Aligarh Muslim University requires its Ph.D. students to submit hard copy of final version of their theses along with soft copy in PDF format in a CD in order to ensure that all Ph.D. theses produced at Aligarh Muslim University are captured, preserved and appropriately made accessible to global academic community. Once the Ph.D. degree is awarded, the Maulana Azad Library receives hard copies of the theses along with ETDs in the form of CDs from Research Unit of the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Then, the process of submission of PDF format of theses starts on Shodhganga repository/Institutional repository. The Computer Applications Division of Maulana Azad Library uploads and provide access to ETDs through Shodhganga/Institutional Repository.
5.2 The Computer Applications Division of Maulana Azad Library is also responsible for digitization of theses and dissertations. The Division with the help of Theses Section and Digital Resources Centre (DRC) identifies those theses which are only available in hard copies. After identification, process of digitization of these identified theses starts by using Microtek (XT3300) Book Edge Scanner in the Computer Applications Division (CAD)/Digital Resources Centre (DRC).
5.3 For uploading a thesis on Shodhganga repository, the following steps are followed:
• Login to Shodhganga Repository as University Coordinator
• Creation and submission of metadata as per the standards provided by the repository as given below:
University Name:
Department Name:
Name of Researcher:
Name of Guide:
Type of Degree:
Completed Date:
• Chapter wise partitioning of a thesis in PDF format as per the following file names and uploading of the same on Shodhganga repository
File Name |
Portion of Thesis |
01 Title Page |
Title page of the thesis |
02 Certificate |
Certificates |
03 Abstract |
Abstract |
04 Declaration |
Declaration |
05 Acknowledgement |
Acknowledgements |
06 Contents |
Content Page/Index Page |
07 List of Tables |
List of Tables |
08 List of Figures |
List of Figures |
09 Abbreviations |
Abbreviations |
10 First Chapter |
First Chapter |
11 Second Chapter |
Second Chapter |
12 Third Chapter |
Third Chapter |
13 Fourth Chapter |
Fourth Chapter |
14 Fifth Chapter |
Fifth Chapter |
15 Bibliography |
Bibliography |
16 Appendix |
Appendix |
• Upload thesis
5.4 For uploading a thesis on Institutional Repository, the required steps are as given below:
• Search Accession Number of the thesis on OPAC of the Maulana Azad Library
• Create a single full text file of the thesis in PDF format
• Rename full text thesis with its Accession Number
• Admin login on the Institutional Repository by using the administrative username and password
• Click on the new item icon for submission of the document
• Selecting the type of item. Here selection is thesis. Then click on the Next button.
• Upload the thesis by browsing it from the computer, where it is located. Then click on the Next button.
• Fill the details of the thesis like
Thesis Type (Select Doctoral)
Thesis Name (Select PhD)
Select Divisions from listed faculties
Status (Select Unpublished)
Date Type (Select Completion)
Number of Pages
• Click on the Next
• Select Subjects and Click on the Next
• Click on Deposit Item Now
Maulana Azad Library is providing remote access facility to access e-resources like journals, articles and e-books, databases etc. from outside the AMU campus through 'OpenAthens' remote login. OpenAthens is remote Access software. The link for the form for OpenAthens account is available online at library website:
required filling up the online form:
Ø Name
of Student:
Ø Enrollment
Ø Department
Ø Date
of Registration:
Ø Name
of the Supervisor:
Ø email
of the supervisor:
Ø Contact
Ø Please
upload scanned copy of Admission/Continuation:
Ø agree
to the terms & conditions mentioned above:
Ø Email Address:
For creating user account on OpenAthens
the following steps are to be followed:
Login to OpenAthens as Library
From Dashboard click on Adding a
new account then set the username and select log in via email address option.
Enter the user's details like
first name(s), last name and email address.
Click on Next
There are many fields such as
group (Faculty, Staff and Students), Title, Department, Position, Phone number
and Staff/Student No and postal Address. After providing required information.
Click on Next
· Select the Default permission sets.
creating user account in OpenAthens, the OpenAthens generates and sends an
activation link with username to the registered e-mail ID of the user. The user can complete the registration
process and set their own password using activation link.
user activates the account and set a secure password using the activation link
sent by OpenAthens. The user can also reset account password in case he/she
forgets the same by following steps.
Login to MyAthens at
Click on ‘Sign in’ and provide
username/email and password.
The MyAthens portal shows a list
of all of the resources that are configured for remote access by Maulana Azad
Search window available where
user searches the required resources.
Now all the resources are
accessible in the browser till the user signs out his/her account.
like computers (Desktop and Servers), printers, scanners and software like MS
Office, Ubuntu, Libsys, EPrints and Greenstone etc. are an integral part of
Maulana Azad Library. The staff and users expect them to be ready when they
need them. For day to day functioning and smooth running of the Maulana Azad
Library, the Computer Applications Division provides the solution for
troubleshooting in computer hardware and software as and when requested by the
following steps are taken:-
The staff submits a complaint to
Computer Applications Division (CAD) either by email/letter.
The technician/expert from CAD
resolves the issues and gets a satisfactory report from the concerned
library has purchased the Libsys 7 library management software and has been
installed in servers at M.A. Library. M.A. Library enters into Annual
Maintenance Contract (AMC) with the firm M/s Libsys Ltd. who have developed the
software every year. The firm provides support remotely as well as on site
Applications also manages admin level maintenance and reporting in the libsys
i.e. creating libsys id for staff, generating reports, importing members data
and other tasks which arises from time to time.
8.1 Libsys Data backup
data of LYBSYS library software designated for providing several library
services. Computer systems is backed up on redundant disk media and stored at a
secure off-site location.
backups have been scheduled in the libsys server outside of business hours.
of the disk backup media to another off-site location occurs automatically
based upon the backup software’s best practice configuration.
All disk media that has been end-of-life will be either erased, or physically destroyed, and removed from backup use.
Oriental Division
Oriental Division is a mini Maulana Azad Library in itself. Every service which is provided by the Maulana Azad Library is also provided by the Oriental Division itself. As for example: Reading Hall facility, Stacks facility, Books issue/return facility, Photo copying facility, Displaying new arrivals facility, Book exhibition, Books selection and books procurement, Accessioning, Classification and Cataloguing facility, books exhibition and Web OPAC facility etc.
Oriental Division consists of Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Hindi & Sanskrit Collection. Especially, Urdu collection is the largest collection in the sub-continent. There are more than two lakh volumes. Like Urdu collection Arabic and Persian collections are also very rich. Arabic collection contains about 43,000 volumes and Persian collection about 22,000 volumes. Along with the Arabic & Persian collection there is also a rich collection of Hindi & Sanskrit books which are about 50,000 & 9,000 volumes respectively.
Functioning of the Oriental Division
1. Book Selection and Procurement of books: Procurement of books, journals etc. is a routine and continuous process throughout the year.
2. Accessioning:The bibliographical details of the Books and Invoices along with the cost of books are entered in the Accession Register.
3. Classifying: Books/Thesis/Dissertations are classified as per the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme.
4. Cataloguing: Bibliographic details of each book is entered into cataloguing module database according to AACR2 Standards.
5. Processing of Books: Stamping, pocket pasting, tattle tape pasting.
6. Displaying of Books: After processing the completely ready new books are displayed in the new arrivals display rack. After fifteen days these books are sent to the shelf for users.
Manuscript Division
Equipment and software used
Zeutschel OS:200 scanner; Scanner 102 and CZUR Scanner using for the digitization of manuscript/document using Omniscan12.6 software, Image Centre software, and CZUR scanner software.
Procedure for scanning of Manuscript/Document
• Select the Omniscsan12.6 software, Scanner 102 and CZUR Scanner.
• In setting option, a new file is created with a selected frame color.
• The resolution is set about 150dpi in Zeutschel OS:200 scanner.
• An anticipated file format is selected in dialog box [eg JPEG].
• Expert mode is selected [GUI mode].
• Automatic Adaptation is set (Remove).
• After scanning, clinging and cropping of document is done.
• Conversion into searchable PDF format is done
• Finally it is saved in hard disk and a backup is created in external device.
How to get digital copy of Manuscript/Document
• The user can send a request to the University Librarian through an application duly forwarded by the Chairman/Supervisor of the scholar with the specific requisition of the manuscripts.
• It is the sole discretion of the University Librarian to accept or reject the application.
• Digital copy of the manuscripts is/are examined by the Librarian himself/herself.
• In case of foreign scholars, the applications are only forwarded by the Librarian, and are not required to be forwarded by any other authority.
• Scholar from outside of the university need to attach a forwarding letter from their supervisor.
• Charges for getting digital copies of the manuscripts will be applicable as per university rule.
Office of the University Librarian