Dr. Wasi Ahmad Zaidi


    Senior technical assistant


    Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, Faculty of Science,AMU Aligarh-202002




Professional/Academic/Research Work Experience: 20 Years

Present Permanent office Address-Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India.                                     

1. PRESENT WORK EXPERENCE: Permanent Employee of Central University AMU Aligarh under the Ministry of Education, (MHRD) Government of India working as a Senior Technical / Scientific Assistant (STA) in AMU Aligarh at Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

Nature of Job: Scientific Work of M.Sc.  Practical classes, Technical work, Examination, Admission, & Field work, Mapping, Survey, Drainage, Land Use, Soil, Geomorphology, Geochemistry / Paleontology, Groundwater Potential and Management Using Remote Sensing, Imageries/ Data and GIS Technology, to Assist to PhD Scholars, in Scholarship,Attendence,  Research Paper Writing, Report writing, National and International Seminar and Conferences Attended and Paper Presented etc. in Department of Geology and Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India.

PAST WORK EXPERENCE: Worked as AAO (Admin) in Central Waqf Council (CWC) in Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOVT OF INDIA, and NEW DELHI in 2020-2022 on Deputation.

PAST WORK EXPERENCE: Worked as Visiting Indian Scholar by MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi in year 2011-2012 during Post-Doctoral Work (PDF) to Prepare the Mauritius Geospatial Atlas (MGA) project in the field of, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Paleontology, Specially Corals, Flora and Shells Collected Many Samples by Extensive Field Work & Training along the Coastal Side of
Nine 9 Districts in Coastal Volcanic Island, Environment, and Natural Hazards, Disaster Management using Geospatial Technology, in Research study of Mauritius including Research Publication & Report Writing of Project during Post-Doctoral Work (PDF) in GIS Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius, Mauritius.