Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology
Endocrine Labs:
Laboratory services have become an integral and inseparable component of modern medicine and public health. Laboratories play a decisive role in the diagnosis, treatment of diseases. Therefore, reliable, reproducible and rapid laboratory services, organized in a cost-effective manner, will go a long way in providing quality health services at our centres. Quality assurance in laboratory services, aimed at improving reliability, efficiency and facilitating inter-laboratory comparability in testing, is the backbone of quality health care delivery. The use of standard operating procedures in laboratory testing is one of the most crucial factors in achieving quality. This helps both in proper patient management and generates reliable disease surveillance data.
We have 2 Technicians – DMLT (diploma in medical laboratory technology) with experience, 3 Laboratory Assistants (DMLT).
Collection, Transportation of Clinical Specimens and Reports:
As per the advice given by the Consultants in OPDs to perform investigation(s), the patients’ samples are collected after the payment is made on the cash counter, for the University Employees the investigations written on the MAS Book is checked and investigations are done accordingly.
For the patients who are advised for Bone Mas Density (BMD) test/diabetic neuropathy test, we provide the suitable date and time to perform this test on Machine and the report is provided within 15 minutes of test.
The other blood samples reports of investigations are provided to the patients on their next follow-up visit or as and when required within 48 to 72 hours.
We take care of the following to handle the Samples:-
Wash hands before and after the collection of Samples
Collection of the specimen before the administration of agents.
Prevention of contamination of the specimen.
Collect the specimen at the appropriate phase of disease.
Collect or place the specimen aseptically in a sterile and/or appropriate container
Close the container tightly so that its contents do not leak during transportation.
Makes records in separate registers for each investigation.
Label and date the container appropriately.
Arrange for immediate transfer of the specimen to the specific laboratory.
Sterilization and disinfection are part of the daily routine of laboratories and constitute a vital activity which ensures that cultures, containers and equipment are treated in such a way that only the inoculated organisms will grow while all others will be eliminated
Hot air oven Hot air Oven
A hot air oven is electrically operated and should be equipped with a fan to ensure uniform temperature inside. The required temperature for sterilization is generally 160oC for one hour. This is used for the sterilization of vital containers.
Quality Assurance:
We practice third part quality controls once in a week or with every fifth batch of tests, and in addition, every time before a new batch of investigation kit. These quality control strains are tested using exactly the same procedure as for the test organisms. The zone sizes shown by the control organisms should fall within the range. When the results regularly fall outside this range, they should be regarded as evidence that a technical error has been introduced into the test.
General laboratory directions for safety:
The salient general laboratory directions which are followed by all are:
Long hair should be bound back neatly away from shoulders.
Do not wear any jewellery to laboratory sessions.
Keep fingers, pencils, bacteriological loops etc. out of your mouth.
Do not smoke in the laboratory.
Do not lick labels with tongue (use tap water).
Do not drink from laboratory glasswares.
Endocrine OPDs
We are having four Endocrine OPDs in a week, Monday/Tuesday/Thrusday on Friday childhood and adolescent OPD for the children. The patients are registered from 8:00 am to 11:30 am for the consultantation in Endocrine OPD. A token for their trun is provided to patients on First Come First Serve bases. The registration number is reflected on the patient’s treatment card with token number. The patients are given consultation as per their turn. The investigations to be done and the prescription of medications are being told to patients in details by the Residents. After the consultation the patients are advice to take diet plans accordingly.
The patients are being advice to perform the investigation(s) and being told about their next visits. The patients suffering from other disorders other than endocrine are being referred to their respective OPDs.
Cancer patients and pregnant females suffering from endocrine disorders are being treated without any prior appointment.
Office of the Director
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology works from 8:00 am till 4:00 pm, with one hour lunch time between 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm except Friday 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.. There are four man powers in the office, one LDC (Admin), one D/w (Clerical), one skilled person and one office attendant. The office looks after all the office related works; dispatch/received daak, reimbursement of patient’s forms, official letter and reply of RTI etc. All the replies of official letters are given with 24 to 48 hours; the RTI related information’s are being provided to the concern department/person within the time limits. The office maintains dispatch and received register to maintain the daak record for our Centre.
The office keeps records of attendance and leave of their staff (Teaching and Non Teaching), a separate register is maintained for this work. Daily daak (important papers) are being seen/verified by the Director of the Centre and mark it to the concern person to look into the matter and as advice by the director, to give reply within the time limit. An official Email is maintained to receive urgent message on the mails from respective departments of the University. The reply is given within 24 hours.
The cleanliness of the Centre is also taken care by the office of the director, daily washing and mopping of Labs/office/chambers/OPD block are being done the person deputed as Safaiwala in the Centre.