Department of Geology
On Going Research Projects
Project Title :
Groundwater depletion and Water-Energy
nexus in extensively agricultural tracks of Western Uttar Pradesh-
Environmental and Socioeconomic consequences
Funding Agency :
DST-SERB, Govt. of India
Funding Amount :
Principal Investigator :
Dr. Izrar Ahmad
Co- Principal Investigator :
Prof. Rashid Umar
Project Title :
U-Pb zircon geochronological, whole rock
elemental and Nd-Sr isotopic constraints on the genesis and geodynamic
significance of the granitoids of the Banded Gneissic Complex of central
Rajasthan, NW India
Funding Agency :
Anusandhan National Research Foundation, Govt. of India
Funding Amount :
Principal Investigator :
Prof. M.E.A. Mondal
Co- Principal Investigator :
Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad
Project Title :
Exploring Possible Evidences for Permian-Triassic
Mass Extinction from Tethys Himalaya, Kumaon Region, U.P., India: A Multi Proxy
Study Using Geochemistry, Isotopes (C, S, Sr, Nd) and Sedimentology
Funding Agency :
Anusandhan National Research Foundation, Govt. of India
Funding Amount :
Principal Investigator :
Prof. Shaik Abdul Rashid
Co- Principal Investigator :
Prof. M. Masroor Alam