Department of Geology

Seminar/conference/workshop Events

Dept. data last updated on :18/03/2025
Organized a webinar on "Career opportunities in Formation Evaluation"

Organized a webinar on "Career opportunities in Formation Evaluation" in collaboration with EDUCAVE, Pune on March 12, 2022.


1. National Seminar on RECENT ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES IN GEOCHEMISTRY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY on February 27, 2017. 2. Workshop on Petroleum Exploration on February 26, 2017. 3. National Science Day Celebration on February 28, 2017. 4. Poster Competition on "Science and Technology for Specially Abled person" on February 28, 2017. 5. Alumni meet on October 15, 2016. Interaction meeting with Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, Alumnus, Chairman and Managing Director of Oren Hydrocarbons. 6. Swachhta Abhiyan on September 08, 2016.

National Conference on DIAMOND AND OTHER GEMSTONES on OCT 26-27, 2017

National Conference on DIAMOND AND OTHER GEMSTONES on OCT 26-27, 2017

A Workshop on Landslide Susceptibility mapping organised by the Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University on Aug 11, 2017

A Workshop on Landslide Susceptibility mapping organised by the Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University on Aug 11, 2017

A lecture series under DRS II Programme held from Mar 23 to 30, 2017

A lecture series under DRS II Programme held from Mar 23 to 30, 2017

International Conference on REMOTE SENSING AND GIS FOR APPLICATIONS IN GEOSCIENCES held on Aug 12, 2017.

International Conference on REMOTE SENSING AND GIS FOR APPLICATIONS IN GEOSCIENCES held on Aug 12, 2017.

Post Conference Workshop on Structures from Motion (SfM) organized by the Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University held on Aug 13, 2017.

Post Conference Workshop on Structures from Motion (SfM) organized by the Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University held on Aug 13, 2017.

Swachta Pakhwada from Sept 1-15, 2017

Swachta Pakhwada from Sept 1-15, 2017

Orientation programme for fresh UG and PG students on Sept. 16, 2017

Orientation programme for fresh UG and PG students on Sept. 16, 2017

Interaction Meeting with Mr. Harbans Singh, Ex-Director General of Geological Survey of India (GSI), Govt of India held on Sept 19, 2017.

Interaction Meeting with Mr. Harbans Singh, Ex-Director General of Geological Survey of India (GSI), Govt of India held on Sept 19, 2017.

Lecture by Professor Syed. E. Hasan on Medical Geology held on Sept 22, 2017.

Lecture by Professor Syed. E. Hasan on Medical Geology held on Sept 22, 2017.

Initiatives under SWACHTA HI SEVA campaign held from Sept 15 - Oct 02, 2017.

Initiatives under SWACHTA HI SEVA campaign held from Sept 15 - Oct 02, 2017.

Organized interaction meeting with Mr. Mohd Rizwan, alumnus and presently working as Geologist, ONGC Mumbai on March 03, 2019 at 10:00AM in the Department of Geology

Organized interaction meeting with Mr. Mohd Rizwan, alumnus and presently working as Geologist, ONGC Mumbai on March 03, 2019 at 10:00AM in the Department of Geology

Lecture by Dr. Mirza Arshad Beg of Universiti Tecnologi Petronas, Malaysia delivered lectures on : 1. Reservoir Characterization and Modelling and (2) Field Development Plan on March 12, 2019 in the Dept of Geology.

Lecture by Dr. Mirza Arshad Beg of Universiti Tecnologi Petronas, Malaysia delivered lectures on : 1. Reservoir Characterization and Modelling and (2) Field Development Plan on March 12, 2019 in the Dept of Geology.

Centenary Science Webinar on Contemporary Topics (28th Feb – 2nd Mar, 2021)

  1. "New Frontiers in Analytical Techniques – Opportunities and Challenges in Geochemical Research" by  Prof. V. Balram, CSIR–NGRI, Hyderabad.
  2. "The growth of the Himalaya and Tibet and the Evolution of Asian Climate in Cenozoic time" by Prof. Peter Hale Molnar University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

Online Public Interaction Programme by Central Groundwater Board, North Region, Lucknow in association with Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University (2021)

Celebrating 75 years of India's Independence, Central Groundwater Board, North Region, Lucknow in association with Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University organized an

 "Online Public Interaction Programme" on 19th July 2021. 

Theme: "Aquifer mapping and Groundwater management" with special focus on Aligarh District.

Speaker: Shri Sujatro Ray Chowdhury, Scientist-B, 
Central Groundwater Board, North Region, Lucknow.

Bharat ka Amrut Mahothav

PPT Presentation Competition on the topic " India's Accomplishment in the field of Earth and Space Sciences since 1947" Organized by Dept of Geology on April 10, 2021

Swachhata Pakhwada Report_2021

Organized a webinar on “Career Opportunities in Formation Evaluation”

Organized a webinar on “Career Opportunities in Formation Evaluation” in collaboration with EDUCAVE, Pune on March 12, 2022.
