Department of Plastic Surgery
Eminent Speakers
1. Extension Lecture on Role of interventional radiology in the management of vascular malformation delivered by Dr.Muddassir Rashid (MBBS, MD, FRANZCR, EBIR), Associate Professor in Radiology, School of Medicine, Bond University, Australia on 25 June, 2019.
2. Adult Brachial Plexus Injury and Its Management delivered by Dr. Satya Swarup Tripathy additional Professor in Plastic Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh on 17 August, 2019.
3. Guest lecture on Role of ultrasound in tendon and nerve pathologies of extremities delivered by Dr. Mehtab Ahmad, Assistant Professor, Department of Radio Diagnosis, A.M.U., Aligarh on April 10th, 2018.
4. Extension Lecture in the Department of Plastic Surgery on 24.10.2017 on Reconstruction of Paralytic Hand which is to be delivered by Prof. Sajid Husain, Emeritus Professor, Department Plastic Surgery, JALMA institute, Agra.
5. Extension Lecture in the Department of Plastic Surgery on 10.08.2017 on Tissue Expansion Current Concepts and Techniques which is to be delivered by Prof. Sujata Sarabahi, Department of Burns, Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery, Safdarjung Hospital, VMMC, New Delhi.
6. Swachhta Pakhwada and Swachhta hi seva initiative from 1st Sept 2017. Trees were planted by teaching staff and students. They have were taken a pledged to observe cleanliness & hygiene in their daily life as well as to motivate others especially the weaker and ignorant members of the society.
7. Lecture on Distraction Osteogenesis - Prof Rajeev Agarwal, HOD dept of Plastic surgery, SG PGI, Lucknow on (July 31, 2012)
8. Lecture on Microsurgery - Dr. Lloyd Nanhe Khan, Belgium (February 9, 2012)
9. CME lecture on Dresin ointment as an antiseptic agent by Mr. Sanjay Gupta on January 28, 2012
10. CME lecture on Oral Cancers : Recent advances in management by Dr. M. F. Khurram on May 07, 2012
11. Role of Collagen in wound management by Devendra Dua on August 25, 2012.
12. Role of Cadexomer iodine in chronic wound management by Dr. M. Fahud Khurram.
13. Application of Silver impregnated dressings in Burns.