Department of Plastic Surgery
On Going Research Projects
Project Title :
SMILE TRAIN PROJECT (Free Surgeries for Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate Patients) Cleft lip and Cleft Palate patients are operated totally free of cost in Plastic Surgery Department of J. N. Medical College. All investigations, medicines and operation are provided totally free. To avail the free treatment facility attend Plastic Surgery OPD No. 16 at J. N. Medical Trauma Center on all week days except Sunday.
Funding Agency :
Smile Train - New York, USA
Funding Amount :
Principal Investigator :
Project Director : Prof. Mohd. Yaseen
Co- Principal Investigator :
Accredited Plastic Surgeons : Prof. M. Yaseen / Prof. Imran Ahmad / Dr. M. Fahud Khurram
Project Title :
Improving recovery outcomes for burns survivors in India: a systems approach The proposed work aims to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive burns care in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, and thus strengthening the The National Programme for Prevention and Management of Burn. Its specific objectives are: Study A To assess and identify factors affecting the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality (AAAQ) of burns care in secondary and tertiary health care facilities. Study B To co-design a primary health care service-delivery model for improving care and rehabilitation of burn survivors. Specific objectives for study B are: - To identify the elements/factors in the system that contribute to burns care and rehabilitation practices. - To understand how these variables are inter- related and their influence on community, access and health delivery systems. - co- design primary health care model of care.
Funding Agency :
The George Institute, New Delhi
Funding Amount :
Principal Investigator :
Prof. Imran Ahmad
Co- Principal Investigator :
Dr. Mohd. Fahud Khurram