Department of Plastic Surgery
News and Publication
Celebration of Centenary year of Aligarh Muslim University & Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav

Prof. Imran Ahmad Elect-President: Society of Wound Care & Research (National Society) of Plastic Surgeons of UP & UK 2019
Department of Plastic Surgery Successfully organised Annual Conference of Society of Plastic Surgeons of UP & UK. (UPAPSICON 2019) from November 15-16, 2019.
Dr. M. Fahud Khurram - Editor- Newsletter of Society of Plastic Surgeons of UP & UK 2019.
Dr. M. Fahud Khurram - Vice Chair Membership Recruitment, Compliance, & Development Committee, American Society of Plastic Surgery, 2019.
1st AMU Plastic Surgeons Alumni Meet organised by Department of Plastic Surgery, J. N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh on November 16, 2019.
Dr. M. Fahud Khurram, International Member Annual Meeting Educational Program Committee, American Society of Plastic Surgery, 2019.
Dr. M. Fahud Khurram : Ethicon Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship
Dr. Sudheer K. Maurya - Best Poster Third Prize at Agra Association of Plastic Surgery 2019
Dr. Brajesh Pathak - International Member Curriculum Development Subcommittee, North Zone Association of Plastic Surgeon 2018.
Dr. Sudheer K. Maurya - Best paper Award at North Zone Association of Plastic Surgeon, 2018
Dr. M. Tafazul Sheikh - Best Poster Award at AMAANA 2018.
Dr. Mohd. Fahud Khurram Assistant Professor has passed the DNB (Plastic Surgery) Examination conducted by the National Board of Examination in December 2012.
Dr. Mohd. Fahud Khurram Assistant Professor has been awarded the best Lecturer in Plastic Surgery of the year 2012 (Healthcare Excellence Award) through All India nomination by the Times Research Media.
- Special lecture on Microsurgery given by Dr. Lloyd Nanhe Khan, U.Z. Leuven - U.Z. Gasthuisberg clinic, Belgium in February 2012.
- Special lecture on Distraction
Osteogenesis given by Prof Rajeev Agarwal, HOD dept of Plastic surgery, SG
PGI, Lucknow on 31st
July 2012.
- Special lecture on Microsurgery given by Prof AK Chaudhary, HOD dept of Plastic surgery, Cuttack Medical college on 10th August 2010.