Department of Zoology
Joint Project
DST PURSE Programme – Phase II
Funding Agency: DST, New Delhi
Amount to Department: 5.89 Lakhs
DBT BUILDER Programme – Phase II
Funding Agency: DBT, New Delhi
Amount to Department: 50 Lakhs

1. Practical Schedule BSc BEd I Sem (Major-Boys & Girls) New
2. Practical Schedule BSc BEd I Sem (Minor-Boys & Girls) New
3. Practical Schedule of III semester 3P1 (Zoorogy) (2) New
4. Practicacl Schedule of B.Sc. V Semester 5P1 & 5P2 (Zoology) New
5. Practical Schedule of B.Sc. I Semester 1P1 (Zoology) New
6. REVISED Schedule Practical Examination of B.Sc. V Semester 5P2 (Zoology)15.02.2025 New
7. Practical Exam Schedule BSc V Semester (5P1 & 5P2) 07.03.2025 & 11.03.2025 New
DST PURSE Programme – Phase II
Funding Agency: DST, New Delhi
Amount to Department: 5.89 Lakhs
DBT BUILDER Programme – Phase II
Funding Agency: DBT, New Delhi
Amount to Department: 50 Lakhs