Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
The Faculty of Engineering & Technology has four main constituents:
1. Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology (for B. Tech, M. Tech, and Ph. D. degrees)
2. University Polytechnic (Diploma level courses in various steams)
3. Women's Polytechnic (Diploma level courses in various steams)
4. Community College (Vocational programmes of variuos levels)
The Faculty offers Dip. in Engineering, B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D. programme in various branches of Engineering & Applied Sciences as well as vocational programmes. Details can be seen in the website of individual departments. The medium of instruction in the Faculty is English. In addition, the Faculty also offers a 4 Year B.E.(Evening) Degree Course in Civil, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering to Diploma holders and a 5 Years Degree Course of B.Arch.
The following twelve Departments and four Centres of Advance Research are part of the Engineering College to carry out teaching / research at the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research level:
1. Civil Engg Department
2. Electrical Engg Department
3. Electronics Engg Department4
4. Computer Engg Department
5. Mechanical Engg Department
6. Chemical Engg Department
7. Petroleum Studies Department
8. Architecture Engg Department
9. Department of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (under process)
10. Department of Applied Mathematics
11. Department of Applied Physics
12. Department of Applied Chemistry
13. CARET, (Centre of Advance Research on Electrified Transportation)
14. CIBHFE, (Centre of Interdisciplinary Biomedical and Human Factor Engineering)
15. INC, (Interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre)
16. ICAI (Interdisciplinary Centre of Artificial Intelligence)
College Library:
In addition to the University Library and Departmental Seminar Libraries, there is an Engg. College Library having more than one Lakh books, journals and periodicals. The College Library remains open from 8.00 hrs. to 22.00 hrs in general and from 8.00 hrs to 24.00 hrs during examination period. Book Bank facility is also available to the students for issue of Text Books on payment of 10% of the cost of the books. The Library has been equipped with latest Electronic Periodical Section.
Training & Placement Office:
The Training & Placement Office provides job opportunities, arranges Campus Interviews by various Government Departments and Companies of National and International repute. Students take the help of this Office for their Training and Employment. It also, caters to the needs of Instructional & Industrial requirements through state of the art CDs on new technologies & human resources in collaboration with the Departments of Studies
Various Scholarships/Stipends in addition to other financial assistance are available to meritorious and deserving students. The details may be obtained from the Office of the Dean, Students' Welfare, AMU Aligarh, located in Kennedy House, AMU.