Ph. D.
Atomic and Laser Spectoscopy
4/77, Near BSNL Tower, Kabir Colony, Aligarh
I am working on the measurement of the
nonlinear optical parameters of dyes, crystals and thin films using Z scan
technique which has been currently developed and the experimental set up has
been working well
in our department.
This technique is a simple and highly sensitive single
beam method that uses the principle of spatial beam distortion to measure
both the sign and the magnitude of the optical nonlinearity. This has gained
rapid acceptance by the nonlinear optics community as a standard technique for
separately determining the nonlinear changes in index and absorption.
The nonlinear properties of dyes, dyes doped liquid crystals, nonlinear semiconductor materials and thin films are currently explored with great interest due to their wide applications. Z scan technique can rapidly measure both non linear absorption (NLA) and non linear refraction (NLR) in solids, liquids and liquid solutions. In most experiments the change in refractive index and absorption change can be determined directly from the data without resorting to computer fitting.
Recently we are measuring the nonlinear refractive index, nonlinear absorption and third order nonlinear susceptibility of the newly synthesized organic dyes and crystals and study the variation of nonlinear optical parameters as a function of solution concentration, laser power and wavelength using cw diode laser
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