Dr. Ummul Baneen
MD TB & Respiratory Diseases
Assistant Professor
Critical care
A post graduate (MD) in Tuberculosis and Respiratory diseases from reputed Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College of Aligarh Muslim University.
- Publication
- Ummul Baneen, Sufia Naseem. Correlation of severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with serum vitamin-D level. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019 Jul;8(7):2268-2277.
- Sufia Naseem , Mehjabeen Javed, Ummul Baneen*. Developing and Implementing Structured Viva Voce Examination as a Valid and Reliable Assessment Tool in Biochemistry for First Year BDS Students. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): JC05-JC08
- Sufia Naseem , Ummul Baneen *. Systemic inflammation in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with metabolic syndrome. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:3393-8
- Ummul Baneen, Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, Mohammad Shameem. Menstrual disorders in females with extra genital active tuberculosis. The International Journal of Medical sciences and pharma research 2017; 3(4): 1-4.
- Ummul Baneen, Zuber Ahmad, Jamal Akhtar, Nafees Ahmad Khan, Rakesh Bhargava, Mohammad Shameem. Diagnostic yield of induced sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest 2011.(Abstract)
- Mohammad Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen. Ruptured pulmonary hydatid cyst with anaphylactic shock and pneumothorax. Respir Care 2011; 56 (6): 863-865.
- Mohammad Azfar Siddiqui, M Shameem, J Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, P Sharma, N A Khan. Bronchopleurocutaneous fistula in absence of empyema: A rare presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis. Lung India 2011; 28: 72-73.
- Jamal Akhtar, R Bhargava, M Shameem, SK Singh, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, J Hasan, P Sharma. Second primary lung cancer with glottic laryngeal cancer as index tumor- A case report. Case rep oncol 2010; 3: 35-39.
- M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, R Bhargava , Zuber Ahmad, P Sharma, Nafees Ahmad Khan, MJ Hasan. Primary peritoneal adenocarcinoma causes pleural effusion. North Am J Med Sci 2010; 2: 281-284.
- M A Siddiqui, Jamal Akhtar, , , M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, S Zaheer, M Shahid. Giant extraosseus ewings sarcoma of the lung in a young adolescent female- A case report. Acta orthop Belg 2011; 77: 270-273.
- M Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan. Internal jugular vein thrombosis- A rare presentation of mediastinal lymphoma. Respiratory medicine CME 2010; 3: 273-275.
- M Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan,. Lambda light chain multiple myeloma presenting as pleural mass. Respiratory medicine CME 2011; 4: 12-14.
- M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, M Shahid. Myelomatous pleural effusion; a rare presentation of multiple myeloma. Thoracic cancer 2011; 2: 128-130.
- M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, M Shahid, M A Siddiqui. Malignant melanoma presenting as an isolated pleural effusion: a case report. Monaldi Archives for chest diseases 2011; 75(2): 138-140.
- Jamal Akhtar, M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, MA Siddiqui. Herniation of pulmonary emphysematous bulla to contralateral hemithorax. Tanaffos 2011; 10(3): 55-58.
- Jamal Akhtar, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, M Shameem, Z Ahmad, R Bhargava. Giant pulmonary hydatid cyst mimicking elevated diaphragm- a diagnostic dilemma. Annals of African medicine 2012; 11(3): 122-123.
- N A Khan, J Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, M Shameem, Z Ahmad, R Bhargava,. A recurrent pneumothorax: a rare complication of miliary tuberculosis. North Am J Med Sci 2011; 3: 428-430.
- N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, Jamal Akhtar, M Shameem, R Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, MA Siddiqui. Giant bulla or tension pneumothorax: a diagnostic challenge. Gazetta Medica italiana 2012; 171(5): 661-663.
- Mukul Saxena, D Pandey, Z Ahmad R Bhargava, M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, M M Alam, M A Ejazi, J Akhtar. False positivity of widal test in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. The Indian journal of chest diseases and allied sciences 2012; 54: S75
- Etiopathogenesis and clinical features of TB google drive
- Etiopathogenesis and clinical features of TB google drive final