Dr. Ummul Baneen

    MD TB & Respiratory Diseases


    Assistant Professor


    Critical care




A post graduate (MD) in Tuberculosis and Respiratory diseases from reputed Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College of Aligarh Muslim University.
  1. Publication
    1. Ummul Baneen, Sufia Naseem. Correlation of severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with serum vitamin-D level. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019 Jul;8(7):2268-2277.
    2. Sufia Naseem , Mehjabeen Javed, Ummul Baneen*. Developing and Implementing Structured Viva Voce Examination as a Valid and Reliable Assessment Tool in Biochemistry for First Year BDS Students. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): JC05-JC08
    3. Sufia Naseem , Ummul Baneen *. Systemic inflammation in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with metabolic syndrome. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:3393-8
    4. Ummul Baneen, Zuber Ahmad, Rakesh Bhargava, Mohammad Shameem. Menstrual  disorders in females with extra genital active tuberculosis. The International Journal of Medical sciences and pharma research 2017; 3(4): 1-4.
    5. Ummul Baneen, Zuber Ahmad, Jamal Akhtar, Nafees Ahmad Khan, Rakesh Bhargava, Mohammad Shameem. Diagnostic yield of induced sputum in pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest 2011.(Abstract)
    6. Mohammad Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen. Ruptured pulmonary hydatid cyst with anaphylactic shock and pneumothorax. Respir Care 2011; 56 (6): 863-865.
    7. Mohammad Azfar Siddiqui, M Shameem, J Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, P Sharma, N A Khan. Bronchopleurocutaneous fistula in absence of empyema: A rare presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis. Lung India 2011; 28: 72-73.
    8. Jamal Akhtar, R Bhargava, M Shameem, SK Singh, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, J Hasan, P Sharma. Second primary lung cancer with glottic laryngeal cancer as index tumor- A case report. Case rep oncol 2010; 3: 35-39.
    9. M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, R Bhargava , Zuber Ahmad, P Sharma, Nafees Ahmad Khan, MJ Hasan. Primary peritoneal adenocarcinoma causes pleural effusion. North Am J Med Sci 2010; 2: 281-284.
    10. M A Siddiqui, Jamal Akhtar,  , , M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, S Zaheer, M Shahid. Giant extraosseus ewings sarcoma of the lung in a young adolescent female- A case report. Acta orthop Belg 2011; 77: 270-273.
    11. M Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan. Internal jugular vein thrombosis- A rare presentation of mediastinal lymphoma. Respiratory medicine CME 2010; 3: 273-275.
    12. M Shameem, J Akhtar, R Bhargava, Z Ahmad, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan,. Lambda light chain multiple myeloma presenting as pleural mass. Respiratory medicine CME 2011; 4: 12-14.
    13. M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, M Shahid. Myelomatous pleural effusion; a rare presentation of multiple myeloma. Thoracic cancer 2011; 2: 128-130.
    14.  M Shameem, Jamal Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, Rakesh Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, M Shahid, M A Siddiqui. Malignant melanoma presenting as an isolated pleural effusion: a case report. Monaldi Archives for chest diseases 2011; 75(2): 138-140.
    15.  Jamal Akhtar, M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, N A Khan, MA Siddiqui. Herniation of pulmonary emphysematous bulla to contralateral hemithorax. Tanaffos 2011; 10(3): 55-58.
    16.  Jamal Akhtar, N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, M Shameem, Z Ahmad, R Bhargava. Giant pulmonary hydatid cyst mimicking elevated diaphragm- a diagnostic dilemma. Annals of African medicine 2012; 11(3): 122-123.
    17.   N A Khan, J Akhtar, Ummul Baneen, M Shameem, Z Ahmad, R Bhargava,. A recurrent pneumothorax: a rare complication of miliary tuberculosis. North Am J Med Sci 2011; 3: 428-430.
    18.  N A Khan, Ummul Baneen, Jamal Akhtar, M Shameem, R Bhargava, Zuber Ahmad, MA Siddiqui. Giant bulla or tension pneumothorax: a diagnostic challenge. Gazetta Medica italiana 2012; 171(5): 661-663.
    19.  Mukul Saxena, D Pandey, Z Ahmad R Bhargava, M Shameem, Ummul Baneen, M M Alam, M A Ejazi, J Akhtar. False positivity of widal test in patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. The Indian journal of chest diseases and allied sciences 2012; 54: S75
Psychometric Assessment of Hindi Version of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessment Test Questionnaire in North Indian Patients with Post Tuberculosis Obstructive Airway Disease
assignment 4 OP
Assignment 5 OP