Associate Professor
Entomology; Insect Physiology
Behind Qadri Masjid, Kabir Colony, Anupshahar Road, Aligarh-202 002, (U.P) INDIA., Mustafa Cottage Behind Qadri Masjid Kabir Colony, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, 202001
9410643889 ,
Presently, Dr. Khowaja Jamal is working as Associate Professor in the Department of Zoology, A.M.U. Aligarh. He joined this department in 2005 as Museum Curator and in 2006 he was appointed as Assistant Professor-cum-Museum Curator. He received all his education from Aligarh Muslim University starting from the schooling till Ph.D. Ha has more than 20 years of teaching and research experience and have guided around 27 students for PG projects, 02 students for M. Phil., 03 students for Ph.D. program and 01 for PDF. He has attended more than 37 National and International Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Training Programs. He has published 48 research papers in National and International journals. Dr. Jamal is an entomologist and working in the area of Insect physiology, Insect ecology and Insect pest management. Dr. Jamal has been associated with teaching the courses like Cell Biology, Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Wildlife conservation and Management at UG level and, Insect physiology, Insect toxicology & pest control, Recent Trends in Zoology at PG level. Besides teaching, Dr. Jamal is also In Charge of the Museum which houses more than 1000 animals species ranging from Poriferans to mammals. Dr. Jamal has been actively supporting the University administration in different capacities such as Warden of various Halls of Residence, Assistant Proctor and Assistant DSW. He has been an elected member of University Academic Council and Member of Executive Committee of AMU Teachers Association.