Biodiversity, taxonomy, ultrastructure and functional morphology, molecular, taxonomy, ecology, phylogenomics
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Prof. Wasim Ahmad, presently Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences and Director, Academic Programmes Committee is an internationally acclaimed Nematologist with about four decades of research experience on soil nematode fauna of different geographical regions of India and over twenty different countries of the world. He has described over three hundred new taxa of nematodes and made detailed LM & SEM studies and molecular characterization of several nematode species. His ecological studies using nematodes as ecological models for food web diagnostic studies in soil ecosystem and the effect of pollutants on the nematode food web is highly appreciated world over. All his work has been published in high impact Journals of the world, including the top most journal “Nature”. His monumental books entitled “Dorylaimida; Free-living, predaceous and plant parasitic nematodes” (1992) and Mononchida: Predaceous Nematodes (2010), both published by E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands are unique world-wide reference for study of dorylaim and mononchid nematodes. His other books include “Plant-parasitic nematodes of India: An Identification Manual”, a monograph on Alaimina, a book on management of gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera), and a book entitled Nematodes as bio-indicator of soil ecosystem published from Germany. He has recently (2018) edited two volumes: entitled “Termites and Sustainable management” Vol I. Biology, Social Behavior & Economic Importance and Vol. II. Economic Losses and Management, published by Springer, Switzerland under its Sustainability in Plant & Crop Protection series. Under another series Sustainability in Crop and Plant Protection, Vol. I. Microbes for Sustainable Insect Pest Management was published in 2019 by Springer. Vol II is under publication and should be available by end of the year. He has visited many countries as visiting Professor/Scientists on prestigious visiting fellowships from Royal Society (UK), DFG (Germany), JSPS (Japan), Erasmus Mundus Scholar (European Union), CAS (China), KOSEF (Korea), SNU Singapore, INBio Costa Rica and many others. Dr. Ahmad is recipient of E.K. Janaki Ammal National Award on Animal Taxonomy by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India (2009), the Vigyan Ratan Award of the Uttar Pradesh Department of Science & Technology (2010), S.P. Gupta Gold Medal of Zoological Society of India (2011) and the Recognition award of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India (2013). He is Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc), the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS) and a Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London (FLS).
- J van den Hoogen, S. Geisen, Diana Wall, D.A.Wardle, W. Traunspurger, R.G.M. de Goede, B.J. Adams, W. Ahmad et al. (2020). A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. Scientific Data Nature Research 7:103 | https://doi
- Niraul Islam, M, Zarrin Imran, Abolafia J., Peña-Santiago, R & Ahmad W. (2019). Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Neometadorylaimus coomansi (Ali, Farooqui & Suryanshi, 1971) Jairajpuri & Ahmad, 1992 (Dorylaimida: Tylencholaimidae), with fi
- J. van den Hoogen1,*, S. Geisen1,2,*, D. Routh1, H. Ferris3, W. Traunspurger4, D. A. Wardle5, R. G. M. de Goede6, B. J. Adams7, W. Ahmad8 et al.,. (2019). Soil nematode abundance and functional group composition at a global scale. Nature 572: 194-
- Khan, M. A & Ahmad W. (2018). Termite and Sustainable management. Vol. 1. Biology, Social Behavious and Economic Importance. Springer, The Netherlands ISBN 978-3-319-72110-1.
- Jairajpuri M.S. & Ahmad W. (1992). : Free living, Predaceous and plant parasitic nematodes.E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands and Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 458 pp. Jairajpuri M.S. & Ahmad W. (1992). Dorylaimida: Free living, Predaceous and plant parasitic nematodes. E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands and Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 458 pp.
- Ahmad W. (1996). Plant Parasitic Nematodes of India : An Identification Manual. Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University pub., 347 pp.
- Ahmad W. & Jairajpuri M.S. (2010). : The Predaceous Nematodes. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives 7. E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands 299 pp