Department of Pharmacology
The Department of Pharmacology was established in 1964 under the able guidance of Late Prof. P. N. Saxena (Georgian) as Head of the Dept. for teaching and training of MBBS students. M.D. (Pharmacology) was started in 1971. Department also conducted 'Diploma in Pharmacy' from 1993 to 2006 under the "Center for Professional Courses", AMU, Aligarh. PhD (Pharmacology) was introduced in 2013 as a part of teaching and research. Presently the department is having 12 admissions per year for M.D. course. Additionally, the teachers of the Dept. are engaged in teaching and training of B.D.S. students since 1997, BSc Physiotherapy course (Earlier DPT) since 1999, BSc Dialysis Techniques since 2022 and BSc Nursing since 2023.
The Department is having well-equipped labs. for both U.G. and P.G. teaching & research including Skill Lab (see the separate link of "Important Labs"). Department has well-furnished seminar room with audio visual facility & library for post-graduate students. The residents and faculty members of the department are playing active role at national and international level through participation in various conferences of national and international repute and as a member of different academic committees.
The Department had organised hundreds of conferences/seminars/symposiums/CMEs and Workshops. During October/November 2024, the department is once again going to organise the 'National Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education'.
Thrust Areas: Teaching of the various aspects of Pharmacology including Therapeutics and Toxicology; Experimental Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Alternatives to Animal Experimentation & Clinical Pharmacology.
Research Areas: Clinical Pharmacology, Immunopharmacology, Pharmacovigilance, Environmental Pharmacology, Indigenous Drug Research, Trace elements study, Neuropharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Substance Abuse and Chemotherapy. The Department is pioneer in the field of Pharmacovigilance and celebrating 35 years of ADR Reporting.
1. Develop and equip students with concrete foundation in basic and clinical pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutic applications.
2. Rationally practice drugs and participate in research.
3. Provide community services that will contribute to improvement in the quality of health care in the country.
1. Acquiring new knowledge in pharmacology and related basic sciences.
2. Creation of knowledge related to drugs by conducting research.
3. Transmission of knowledge to medical and paramedical students through teaching in a manner that allows them to develop their analytical and intellectual capabilities.
4. Assuming administrative responsibilities as expert committee member at local, national and international level.
5. Contribution to the progress of society through offering expert advice to, and participating in, government and community organizations or activities related to pharmacology and drugs in general.