Flat No. 10, Taj Complex Nami Manzil, Civil Line Dodhpur, Aligarh, U.P., 202002,
9411465116 ,
- Publication
Ahmad, F., Quasim, M. A., Ahmad, A. H. M., Rehman, S. M. and Asjad, S. (2020) Depositional mechanism of Fort Member Sandstone (Early-Late Bathonian), Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan: insights from granulometric analysis. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes. DOI: 10.1080/24749508.2020.1833642
Quasim, M. A., Khan, S., Srivastava, V. K., Ghaznavi, A. A. and Ahmad, A. H. M. (2020) Role of cementation and compaction in controlling the reservoir quality of the Middle to Late Jurassic Sandstones, Jara dome, Kachchh Basin, western India. Geological Journal. 1–19.
F. Ahmad, M. A. Quasim and A. H. M. Ahmad (2020) Microfacies and diagenetic overprints in the limestones of Middle Jurassic Fort Member (Jaisalmer Formation), Western Rajasthan, India: Implications for the depositional environment, cyclicity, and reservoir quality. Geological Journal. 1–22. 2.
F. Ahmad, M. A. Quasim and A. H. M. Ahmad (2020) Lithofacies characteristics and depositional environment interpretations of the Middle Jurassic Fort Member rocks, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India. Journal of Sedimentary Environments.
M. A. Quasim, S. K. Ghosh, A. H. M. Ahmad, V. K. Srivastava and M. Albaroot (2020) Integrated approach of lithofacies and granulometric analysis of the sediments of the Proterozoic Upper Kaimur Group of Vindhyan Supergroup, Son Valley, India: Palaeo-environmental implications. Geological Journal, 1–22.
Sadia Khanam, M. A. Quasim, A. H. M. Ahmad and Sumit K. Ghosh (2020) Sedimentation in a rifted basin: Insights from the Proterozoic Rajgarh Siliciclastics, Delhi Supergroup, Northeastern Rajasthan. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 95, 117-130.
Irshad R., Khan M.S., Ahmad A.H.M. (2019) Sedimentological and petrochemical studies of Jurassic clastic rocks, Habo Dome Basin, Kachchh Mainland, Northwest India: Implications for depositional environment, provenance, and tectonic setting. Island Arc, e12307.
Khan Z., Quasim M.A., Amir M., Ahmad A.H.M. (2019). Provenance, tectonic setting, and source area weathering of Middle Jurassic siliciclastic rocks of Chari Formation, Jumara Dome, Kachchh Basin, Western India: Sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical constraints. Geological Journal, 1–22.
Khan Z., Sachan H.K., Ahmad A.H.M., Ghaznavi A.A. (2019). Microfacies, diagenesis, and stable isotope analysis of the Jurassic Jumara Dome carbonates, Kachchh, Western India: Implications for depositional environments and reservoir quality. Geological Journal, 1–21. https://doi. org/10.1002/gj.3470.
Asma A. Ghaznavi, M.A. Quasim, A.H.M. Ahmad, Sumit K. Ghosh (2019). Granulometric and facies analysis of Middle–Upper Jurassic rocks of Ler Dome, Kachchh, western India: an attempt to reconstruct the depositional environment. Geologos, 25(1), 51–73.
Faiz Ahmad, M. A. Quasim, A. H. M. Ahmad, Asma A. Ghaznavi, Z. Khan, M. Albaroot (2019). Factors influencing Detrital Mineralogy and Tectono-provenance of Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 93, 392-398.
M. A. Quasim, A. H. M. Ahmad, Himanshu K. Sachan and Sumit K.Ghosh (2019). Recrystallization and Provenance history of the Upper Kaimur Group Siliciclastics, Son Valley, India: Coupled Petrographic and Fluid inclusion proxy. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 93(2), 177-184.
Ghaznavi, A.A., Alam, M.M., Khan, Z. and Ahmad, A.H.M. (2018). Diagenetic evolution vis-a-vis reservoir characteristics of Dhosa sandstones, Ler dome, Kachchh, western India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(14), p.387.
M.A. Quasim, Rabindra Nath Hota, A.H.M. Ahmad, M. Albaroot (2018). An Approach to Provenance and Tectonic setting of the Proterozoic Upper Kaimur Group Sandstones, Son Valley: constraints from framework mineralogy and heavy mineral analysis. Himalayan Geology, 39(2), 145-160.
Ghaznavi, A. A., Ahmad, A. H. M., Alam, M.M. and Quasim, M. A. (2018) Heavy Mineral Study of Dhosa Sandstone, Kachchh Basin,Western India: Implication for Provenance and Tectonic Setting. Journal of Geosciences Research, 3(1), 1 – 12.
Ghaznavi, A. A., Khan, I. Quasim, M. A. and Ahmad, A. H. M. (2018) Provenance, tectonic setting, source weathering and palaeoenvironmental implications of Middle-Upper Jurassic rocks of Ler dome, Kachchh, western India: Inferences from petrography and geochemistry. Chemie der Erde, 78, 356-371.
Khan, Z ., Ahmad, A. H. M., Sachan, H. K. and Quasim, M. A. (2018) The effects of diagenesis on the reservoir characters in Ridge Sandstone of Jurassic Jumara Dome, Kachchh, Western India, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 92, 145-156.
Quasim, M. A., Ghosh, S. K. and Ahmad, A.H.M. (2019). Petrography and Diagenetic evolution of the Proterozoic Kaimur Group Sandstones, Son Valley, India: implication towards reservoir quality. In: Mondal, M. E. A. (eds) Geological Evolution of Precambrian Indian Shield. Springer International Publishing (Society of Earth Scientists Series), 515-550.
Shaista Khan, M. A. Quasim A.H.M. Ahmad and M. Masroor Alam (2017). Petrofacies and Tectono Provenance of the Sandstones of Jara Dome, Kachchh, Gujarat. Jour. Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 34 (1 & 2), 17-28.
Faiz Ahmad, A. H. M. Ahmad and M. A. Quasim (2017). Diagenetic Features of Jurassic Fort Member Sandstone, Jaisalmer Formation, Western Rajasthan. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 90(3), 273-282.
M. A. Quasim, Imran Khan and A. H. M. Ahmad (2017). Integrated petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical study of the Upper Kaimur Group of rocks, Son Valley, India: Implications for provenance, source area weathering and tectonic setting. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 90(4), 467-484.
M. A. Quasim, Ahmad A.H.M and Sumit K. Ghosh (2017). Depositional environment and tectono-provenance of Upper Kaimur Group sandstones, Son Valley, Central India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10 (4).
Ahmad, F., Quasim, M. A., Ghaznavi, A.A., Khan Z. and Ahmad A.H.M (2017). Depositional Environment as revealed from lithofacies and grain size measures of the Jurassic Fort Member rocks, Jaisalmer Formation, western Rajasthan. Geologica Acta, 15(3), 153-167.
Khan Z and Ahmad AHM (2016). Provenance, tectonic setting and palaeoclimate of the Ridge Sandstone of Jumara Dome, Kachchh, Gujarat. The Palaeobotanist 65(2), 189–201.
Shaista Khan, A.H.M. Ahmad, M. Masroor Alam and M. Adnan Quasim (2016). Petrographical and geochemical signature of Jurassic rocks of Chari Formation, Western India: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting. Acta Geochim, pp 1-9.
Asma A. Ghaznavi, M. Masroor Alam and A.H.M. Ahmad (2015). Tectono-sedimentary and climatic setup for Dhosa Sandstone Member (Chari Formation) of Ler dome, Kachchh, western India, The Palaeobotanist. 64(2),117-128.
M. Adnan Quasim and A.H.M. Ahmad (2015). Petrofacies and tectonic setup of Kaimur Group of rocks, Son Valley, India. The Palaeobotanist, 64, 1-11.
A. H. M. Ahmad, Roohi Irshad and G. M. Bhat (2015). Facies and Diagenetic Evolution of the Bathonian-Oxfordian Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments of the Habo Dome, Kachchh Basin, India. Volumina Jurassica, 13(1), 83-104.
A. H. M. Ahmad, Ruchi Agrawal and Roohi Irshad (2015). Petrographic and geochemical studies of Proterozoic sandstones of Patherwa Formation, Son valley, India: implication for provenance and weathering history. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8, 1977-1991.
Shaista Khan and A.H.M Ahmad (2014), Petrography and Diagenesis of Jurassic Jara Dome sandstones, Kachchh, Gujarat. The Palaeobotanist, 63, 113-126.
M.Shamim Khan, A. H. M. Ahmad and R. Aggrawal (2014). Petro-chemistry and diagenesis of sandstones of Patherwa Formation, Son Valley, India. The Paleobotanist, 63(1), 25-32.
A. H. M. Ahmad, G. Upadhyay and Noufal K.N (2014). Petrography and Diagenetic History of the Jajiya Member Sediments, Jaisalmer Formation (Middle to Late Jurassic), Western India. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 80, 1-7.
A. H. M. Ahmad, K.N. Noufal, M.Masroor Alam and Tavheed Khan (2014). Petrography and geochemistry of Jumara Dome sediments, Kachchh Basin: Implications for provenance, tectonic setting and weathering intensity. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 33, 009-023.
G.M. Bhat and A. H. M. Ahmad (2013). Temporal facies and diagenetic evolution of the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate Jajiya Member (Callovian-Oxfordian), Jaisalmer Formation, West India. Volumina Jurassica, 11, 147-162.
A. H. M. Ahmad, A. F. Khan and S.M.Wasim (2013). Facies analysis and depositional environment of the Jurassic Jumara Dome sediments, Kachchh, Western India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 82, 181-189.
Roohi Irshad, A.H.M. Ahmad and M. Masroor, Alam (2013). Depositional and Diagenetic Environments of Middle Jurassic Sediments, Habo Dome, Kachchh, Gujarat. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 79, 139-152.
Aabiroo Majid, A. H. M. Ahmad and G.M. Bhat (2012) Facies controlled porosity evolution of the Neoproterozoic Upper Bhander Sandstone of Western India. Journal of Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 366, 91 - 110.
M. Raza, A. H. M. Ahmad, M.S Khan and F. Khan (2010). Geochemical and detrital modes of proterozoic sedimentary rocks, Bayana Basin, north Delhi fold belt: implications for provenance and source area weathering. International Geological Review, 1-19.
Mahshar Raza, V. R. Bhardwaj, A. H. M. Ahmad, M.E.A. Mondal, A. Khan and M. Shamim Khan (2010). Provenance and weathering history of Archean Naharmagra quartzite of Aravalli Craton, NW Indian Sheild: Petrographic and geochemical evidence. Geochemical Journal, 44, 331-345.