Dr. Abdullah Khan
Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology
As a part of doctoral study I have developed a models for Upper Gondwana formations of Satpura basin ,i. e Pachmarhi (Braided river) Denwa (Meadering river ) and Bagra (Alluvial fan) after obtaining Ph. D. I have worked in Department of Science and technology sponsored research project entitled â?? Tectono-sedimentary evolution of Middle to Late Proterozoic Vindhyn basin of Southeastern Rajasthan (1997-2000). Presently, I am engaged in the study of Facies analysis and sedimentation of Gondwana rocks, Satpura basin, central India (a ongoing major Research Project sponsored by UGC, New Delhi) Tectonosedimentary evolution of Meso-Neoproterozoic basin of Vindhyan, S.E. Rajasthan and geochemistry of pelites of Bhilwara-Vindhyan terrain, and its implications for provenance characteristics, tectonic and paleoclimatie condition during Archaean-Proterozoic time. Various papers have been published in National and International Journal of repute namely, Journal of African Geology, Asian Journal of a Earth Sciences, Chemical Geology, Journal of Geological Society of Indian, Indian Minerals, Petroleum Geology, Bulletin of Indian Geologists Association, and Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists etc.
- Publication
- CASSHYAP, S. M., TEWARI, R.C.., and ABDULLAH. KHAN (1992). Alluvial fan origin of Bagra Formation (Mesozoic Gondwana) and tectono-stratigraphic implications. Journal Geological Society of India, v. 42(3), pp.269-279.
- CASSHYAP, S.M., and ABDULLAH KHAN (1997). Trace fossils from Talchir sediments of Mohpani area, Satpura Gondwana basin, central India. Golden Jubilee volume of Indian Minerals, v. 51 (3-4), pp. 279-284.
- CASSHYAP, S.M., and ABDULLAH KHAN (2000a). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of Intracratonic Mesozoic Gondwana basin of central India-evidence of pre-trap doming, rifting and paleoslope reversal. Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 31(1), pp. 65-79.ISSN:1464-343X.
- SINGH, ADAL and ABDULLAH KHAN (2000b). Lithofacies analysis, architectural elements and depositional model of Yamuna river point bars. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v. 19 (1-2), pp. 137-151.
- RAZA, M., CASSHYAP, S.M., and ABDULLAH KHAN (2001a). Accretionary lapilli from basal Vindhyan volcanic sequence, south of Chittaurgarh, Rajasthan and implication. Journal Geological Society of India, v. 57, pp.77-82.
- CASSHYAP, S.M., BHARDWAJ, B.D., RAZA, M., SINGH, A. and ABDULLAH KHAN (2001b) Barrier-inlet and associated facies of shore-zone : an example from the Khardeola Formation of Lower Vindhyan sequence of Chittaurgarh, S. E. Rajasthan. Journal Geological Society of India, v. 58, pp.97-111.
- RAZA, M., CASSHYAP, S.M., and ABDULLAH KHAN (2002a). Geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic Lower Vindhyan shales from Chittaurgarh, southeastern Rajasthan and its bearing on the source rock composition, paleoweathering conditions and tectono-sedimentary environments. Journal Geological Society of India, v. 60, pp.505-518.
- ABDULLAH. KHAN, (2002b). Tidal flat and subtidal sedimentation: an example from Lower Vindhayn Bhagwanpura Limestone, South of Chittaurgarh, Rajasthan. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v. 21 (1-2), pp.77-87.
- S.H., RAZA, M., and ABDULLAH KHAN (2003a). Geochemistry and tectonic significance of Upper Shale around Barbil, Singhbhum craton, eastern India, Journal Applied Geochemistry, v. 5 (1) pp. 59-68.
- RAZA, M., KHAN, F., ABDULLAH KHAN and KHAN, M.S., (2004). Geochemistry of Proterozoic pelitic sediments from Eastern Rajasthan. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v. 23 (1-2), pp. 33-43.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Sarwar Rais and Mohammad Sadique (2008). Petrofacies, provenance and Tectonic setting of Pachmarhi Sandstone (Early Triassic) Satpura Gondwana Basin, Central India. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v. 27, No.2, pp. 51-61.
- RAZA, M., ABDULLAH KHAN and KHAN, M.S., (2009a). Origin of Late Palaeoproterozoic Great Vindhyan basin of North Indian shield: Geochemical evidence from mafic volcanic rocks. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.34, pp.716-730.
- ABDULLAH KHAN (2009b). Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Bagra conglomerate of Satpura Gondwana basin, Central India. Journal Gondwana Magzine, v. 24 (1), pp. 1-7.
- Mahshar Raza , V.R. Bhardwaj, A.H. M. Ahmad, M.E. Mondal,, ABDULLH KHAN, M Shamim Khan (2010). Provenance and weathering history of Archaean Naharmagra quartzite of Aravalli craton, NW Indian shield: Petrographic and Geochemical evidence. Geochemical Journal, v. 44, pp 50-60.
- Mahshar Raza , A.M. Dayal, ABDULLAH KHAN, V.R. Bhardwaj, Sarwar Rais (2010). Geochemistry of lower Vindhyan clastic sedimentary rocks of Northwestern Indian shield: Implications for composition and weathering history of Proterozoic continental crust. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v.39, pp. 51–61.
- Mahshar Raza, ABULLAH KHAN, V.R. Bhardwaj, Sarwar Rais (2012). Geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks of Upper Vindhyan Group, southeastern of Rajasthan and implications for weathering history, composition and tectonic setting of continental crust in the northern part of Indian shield. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 48, pp.160–172.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Anis, Shahnawaz and Sarwar Rais. (2013). Lithofacies and Depositional Environments of Talchir Formation, Gungutta River Section, Chhattishgarh. Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v.32, Nos. 1&2, pp.65-72.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Anis, Sarwar Rais. Dheeraj Raguvanshi and Shahnawaz and (2013). Petrofacies, Provenance and Diagnesis and tectonic setting of Bhander sandstone of Upper Vindhyan, Rasulpur Area, Agra District, Uttar Pradesh. Gondwana Geological Magzine, v. 28(2), pp.113-123.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Anis, Shahnawaz and Sarwar Rais. (2013).Petrography, Provenance and tectonic setting of Lower Vindhyan Khardeola sandstone, southeastern, Rajasthan. Gondwana Geological Magzine, v. 28(2), pp.85-95.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Anis and Sarwar Rais. (2014).Perofacies, provenance, and paleocurrent analysis of Pachmarhi sandstone (Early Triassic), Satpura basin, central India. Arbian Journal of Geosciences, v.7, pp.3547-3556.
- Meradul Islam and ABDULLAH KHAN (2017a). Petrography, Provenance and Paleoclimate of Talchir Formation in and around Nazarpur village, Pench valley, Satpura Gondwana basin, Central India. Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v.34, Nos. 1 &2, pp.29-37.
- ABDULLAH KHAN, Meradul Islam and Anis (2017b). Facies characteristics of Talchir Succession, Gungutta River Section, Son- Mahanadi Gondwana Basin, Chhattisgarh, India. Journal of Geosciences Reasearch, v.2, No.2, pp.115-120.
- Mujeebul Hasan and ABDULLAH KHAN (2019). Petrographic study of Meso- Neo Proterozoic Kaimur Sandatone, Vindhyan Supergroup, Chittorgarh, Southeastern Rajasthan, India: Implication for Provenance, Tectonic setting and Paleoclimate. Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, v.36, Nos. 1 &2, pp.51-64.