Ph.D., D. Sc.
Geochemistry, Igneous Petrology, Engineering Geology
(Off)Department of Geology, AMU, Aligarh - 202002 (Res) 4/242F, Firdaus Nagar, Lane 5A, Aligarh - 202002
Research interests of Prof. M. E. A. Mondal include magmatic and tectonic processes of Precambrian crustal evolution, hard rock and clastic rock geochemistry. He is particularly interested in understanding the geodynamic evolution of Indian continental lithosphere, viz. Bundelkhand craton, Bastar craton and Aravalli craton through multi-disciplinary approach involving field studies, petrology, geochronology and geochemistry. He teaches igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, geodynamics and engineering geology at U.G. & P.G. levels. He has supervised 09 doctoral thesis (awarded). He has published 98 research papers in peer reviewed journals including Precambrian Research, Gondwana Research, Lithosphere, Tectonophysics, Island Arc, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Geochemical Journal, Terra Nova, Geological Society, London, Geoscience Frontiers, Journal of Geology, Geological Journal. Total citation of his papers is 1708 with h-index of 20 and i-10 index of 36 as on June 2024. He has completed 10 research projects sponsored by DST, Ministry of Mines, UGC & SERB, Govt of India, and at present carrying out 01 research project sponsored by ANRF-SERB Govt of India. He is fellow and life member of many learned bodies and has been a member of National Working Group for International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) on A-type granites and related rocks (IGCP 510), and International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) on The Changing Early Earth (IGCP 599). He was member of Science Program Committee of the 36th International Geological Congress 2020, and Coordinator of the theme: Hadean to Archaean. He is recipient of National Geoscience Award 2017 of Govt of India. He was awarded Outstanding Researcher Award 2018, and Gold Medal in 1990 by Aligarh Muslim University. He has Edited a Book titled "Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield" published by Springer. He is General Secretary of Indian Association of Sedimentologists.
- Geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopic studies of Precambrian gneisses from central Aravalli Craton, NW India: Implications for crustal evolution and reworking. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X (Elsevier),
- Rift-related multistage evolution of the Mangalwar Complex, Aravalli Craton (NW India): Evidence from elemental and Sr–Nd isotopic features of Proterozoic amphibolites. Geological Journal, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/gj.4470 Download PDF
- Wali Akhtar, Tariq Siddique, Pirzada Mohammad Haris, Atif Ahmad and M.E. A. Mondal (2023). An integrated geotechnical study using Q-slope method and factor of safety appraisal along NH-5 from Solan to Shimla, India. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 132 106 https://d
- Iftikhar Ahmad, T. P. Abdul Latheef, M. E. A. Mondal, Ismail S. Hamidullah and Kamaal Parvez (2022). Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses and granitoids of the Banded Gneissic Complex, central Rajasthan, NW India: Implicatio
- Research Publications [Peer Reviewed]
1. S.M.Zainuddin, A.Rahman and M.E.A. Mondal, 1994. Geochemical fingerprints of Bundelkhand granites as an indicator of minor plate collision during Precambrian. In: R. Ahmad and A.M. Sheikh
(eds.), Geology in South Asia-I, Islamabad, pp. 161-168. ISBN: 9789698065010.
2. M.E.A. Mondal and S.M. Zainuddin, 1995. A non-restite origin for the mafic magmatic enclaves in Bundelkhand batholith. Bull. Indian Geol. Asso., Chandigarh, 28 : 1-12. ISSN: 0379-5098.
3. M.E.A. Mondal and S.M. Zainuddin, 1996. Evolution of the Archean -Paleoproterozoic Bundelkhand massif, central India - evidence from granitoid geochemistry. Terra Nova, Blackwell, U.K., 8 : 532-539. ISSN: 1365-3121 . Impact Factor: 2.83.
4.M.E.A. Mondal and S.M. Zainuddin, 1997. Geochemical characteristics of the granites of
Bundelkhand massif, central India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, 50 : 69-74. ISSN: 0974-6889. Impact factor: 0.567.
5. M.E.A. Mondal, K.K. Sharma, A. Rahman and J.N. Goswami, 1998. Ion microprobe 207Pb/206Pb zircon ages for gneiss-granitoid rocks from Bundelkhand massif: evidence for Archean components. Current Sci., Bangalore, 74 : 70-75. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact Factor: 1.043.
6. S.M. Zainuddin and M.E.A. Mondal, 1998. Trends of Arc Maturity in subduction - related Bundelkhand Batholith of central India. In : The Indian Precambrian (ed. B.S. Paliwal), Scientific Publisher (India), Jodhpur, 73-80. ISBN: 9788172331863.
7. M.M.Alam, M.E.A. Mondal and S.A. Rashid, 2000. Geodynamic evolution of Malani Igneous Suite – evidence from geochemistry of rhyolites, tuffs and ignimbrites. Jour. Applied Geochemistry, Hyderabad, 2 : 31-42. Online ISSN: 2319-4316. Print ISSN: 0972-1967.
8. M.E.A. Mondal, 2001. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of Proterozoic mafic dykes from Bundelkhand massif, central Indian shield : implications for crustal evolution. Jour. Applied Geochemistry, Hyderabad, 3 : 104-119. Online ISSN: 2319-4316 Print ISSN: 0972-1967.
9. M.E.A. Mondal and T. Ahmad, 2001. Bundelkhand mafic dykes, central Indian shield : implications for the role of sediment subduction in Proterozoic crustal evolution. Island Arc, 10 : 51-67, Blackwell Science Asia, Australia. ISSN: 1440-1738. Impact factor: 1.348.
10. M.E.A. Mondal. J.N. Goswami, M.P. Deomurari and K.K. Sharma, 2002. Ion microprobe 207Pb/206Pb ages of zircon from the Bundelkhand massif, northern India : implication for crustal evolution of the Bundelkhand –Aravalli protocontinent. Precambrian Research, Elsevier, 117 : 85-100. ISSN: 0301-9268. Impact Factor: 4.918.
11. M.E.A. Mondal, 2002. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Archean-Proterozoic gneisses and granitoids from central Indian shield. Jour. Applied Geochemistry, Hyderabad, 4 : 170-182. Online ISSN: 2319-4316. Print ISSN: 0972-1967.
12. M.E.A. Mondal and T. Ahmad, 2002. Bundelkhand mafic dyke swarm, central Indian shield : geochemical characteristics and tectonic constraints. Deep Continental Studies in India News Letter, DST, Govt of India, vol. 12, No.2, pp. 15-19.
13. M.E.A. Mondal and M.F. Hussain, 2003. Geochemical characteristics of granitoids from Bastar craton, central India. Gondwana Geological Magazine, Special Volume No. 7, pp. 193-199. ISSN: 0970-261X
14. M.E.A. Mondal, 2003. Are the Bundelkhand craton and the banded gneissic complex parts of one large Archaean protocontinent? Evidence from ion microprobe 207Pb/206Pb zircon ages. Deep Continental Studies in India News Letter, DST, Govt of India, v. 13, No. 2, pp. 6-10.
15. M.F. Hussain, M.E.A. Mondal and T. Ahmad, 2004. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of Archean gneisses and granitoids from Bastar craton, central India – implication for subduction related magmatism. Gondwana Research, Japan, v. 7, No. 2, pp 531-537, doi :10.1016/S1342-937X(05)70803-0 . ISSN: 1342-937X. Impact factor: 7.396.
16. M.E.A. Mondal, 2004. Link to delink. Current Science, v. 86, No. 25, pp. 1055-1056. ISSN 0011-3891.Impact factor: 1.043.
17. M.F. Hussain, M.E.A. Mondal and T. Ahmad, 2004. Geochemistry of basement gneisses and gneissic enclaves from Bastar craton : geodynamic implications. Current Science, v.86, No. 11, pp. 1543-1547. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043.
18.M.F. Hussain and M.E.A. Mondal, 2004. Growth of Bastar nucleus, central India via multiphase subduction : evidence from geochemistry of gneisses. Jour. Applied Geochemistry, Hyderabad, 6 : 164-176. Online ISSN: 2319-4316. Print ISSN: 0972-1967.
19. M.E.A. Mondal and S.M. Zainuddin, 2004. A review on the evolution of Bundelkhand massif, central India. In : K.L.Rai and S.C. Patel (eds.), Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Metallogenesis with special reference to Central India. Recent Researches in Geology v. 17, pp. 124-135. Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India). ISBN: 978-8170750406
Print ISSN: 0253-4126. Online ISSN: 0973-774X.
20. M. F. Hussain, M.E.A. Mondal and T. Ahmad, 2004. Geodynamic evolution and crustal growth of the central Indian shield : evidence from geochemistry of gneisses and granitoids. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.) 113 : 699-714.
21. M.E.A. Mondal, Ayaz Ahmad and M.M. Alam, 2004. Trace elements concentration of groundwater and surface water of Hindon river basin in parts of Ghaziabad district, U.P. : implications on human health. Special Publication No. 83 on Medical Geology (IGCP-454), Geological Survey of India, pp. 197-203. ISSN: 0254-0436
22. M.E.A. Mondal and S.M. Zainuddin, 2004. Crustal evolution of Bundelkhand massif, central India : a reappraisal of current trend of research. Jour. Economic Geology and Georesource Management, vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 295-305.
23. V.K. Sibal, S.V. Raju, M.E.A. Mondal, M. Nauroz Ahmad, 2006. CO2 storage in coal mines. Curr. Sci. 91 : 405-406. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043
24. M. M. Alam, M.E.A. Mondal and A.H.M. Ahmad, 2006. Tectonic significance of syn-sedimentary volcanism : Evidence from sandstone detritus, Bayana Basin, Delhi Supergroup. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 68 : : 648-656. ISSN: 0974-6889. Impact factor: 0.567
25. M. E.A. Mondal, M. Faruque Hussain and T. Ahmad, 2006. Continental Growth of Bastar Craton, Central Indian Shield during Precambrian via Multiphase Subduction and Lithospheric Extension/Rifting: Evidence from Geochemistry of Gneisses, Granitoids and Mafic dykes. Jour. Geosciences, Japan, 49 : 137-151. ISSN: 0449-2560.
26. M.E.A. Mondal,
2006. National geochemical background survey. Curr. Sci. 91 : 855-856. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.04327. V.K. Sibal, S.V. Raju, M.E.A. Mondal, M. Nauroz Ahmad, 2006. Coal bed methane (CBM) potential in India: Current status. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 68 : 916-917. ISSN: 0974-6889 . Impact factor: 0.567.
28. M.E.A. Mondal,
2006. Medical geology in India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 68:1111p. ISSN: 0974-6889. Impact factor: 0.567
29. M.E.A. Mondal, M.F. Hussain
and T. Ahmad, 2006. Geochemistry of the Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of Bastar craton of Central Indian Shield: Implication for spatial relationship between two Proterozoic mantle domains and constraints on their enrichment processes. Indian Journal of Geology, 78 : 101-118. ISSN: 0970-1354.
30. M. E.A. Mondal, M. Faruque Hussain and T. Ahmad, 2007. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Proterozoic mafic dyke swarms of Bastar craton of central Indian shield. Jour. Appl. Geoch., 9 : 17-27. Online ISSN: 2319-4316. Print ISSN: 0972-1967
31. H. Wani and M. E.A. Mondal, 2007. Provenance and tectonic setting signals of the Neoproterozoic basins of the Bastar craton: evidence from sandstone petrology and geochemistry. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad., 73 : 81-90. ISSN: 0370-0046.
32. Salam Ranjeeta Devi and M.E.A. Mondal, 2008. Provenance and Tectonic setting of Barail (Oligocene) and Surma (Miocene) Group of Surma-Barak basin, Manipur, India : petrographic constraints. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 71 : 459-467. ISSN: 0974-6889. Impact factor: 0.567.
33. M.E.A. Mondal, R. Chandra and T. Ahmad, 2008. Precambrian Mafic Magmatism in Bundelkhand Craton. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 72 : 113-122. ISSN: 0974-6889. Impact factor: 0.567.
34. M.E.A. Mondal, M. Raza and T. Ahmad, 2008. Geochemistry of the mafic dykes of the Aravalli-Bundelkhand proto-continent: implications for sub-continental lithosphere evolution of north Indian shield. In : Indian Dykes: Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geochronology,
R.K. Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V. Chalapathi Rao (eds.), Narosa Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 527-545. ISBN: 9788173198779.35. M. Faruque Hussain, T. Ahmad and M.E.A. Mondal, 2008. Geochemistry of the Precambrian mafic dyke swarms of the central and northeastern parts of Bastar craton, central India: constraints on their enrichment processes. In : Indian Dykes: Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geochronology, R.K. Srivastava, Ch. Sivaji and N.V. Chalapathi Rao (eds.), Narosa Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 397-412. ISBN: 9788173198779.
36. M.E.A. Mondal, 2008. Evaluation of heavy metal pollution in parts of Hindon river (tributary of river Yamuna) basin in the western part of Ganga plain, India: evidence from geochemistry of floodplain sediment. Jour. Applied Geoch., 10: 192-200. Online ISSN: 2319-4316. Print ISSN: 0972-1967.
37. M.E.A. Mondal, 2009. Was Bundelkhand-Aravalli nucleus part of Ur supercontinent? Current Sci, 96: 33-35. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043.
38. M.E.A. Mondal and Salam Ranjeeta Devi, 2009. Geochemistry of the clastic rocks of the Neogene sucessions in parts of Manipur and its bearing on provenance, tectonic and weathering conditions. In: Magmatism, Tectonism and Mineralization, S. Kumar (ed.) Macmillan Pub India Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 179-189. ISBN : 10:0230-63861-9 13: 978-0230-63861-7
39. M. F. Hussain, S.B. Dwivedi and M.E.A. Mondal, 2009. Chalcophile element characteristics in mafic dykes from central and northeastern parts of Bastar craton: a guide to Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization. In: Magmatism, Tectonism and Mineralization, S. Kumar (ed.) Macmillan Pub India Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 312-321. ISBN : 10:0230-63861-9 13: 978-0230-63861-7
40. H. Wani and M.E.A. Mondal, 2009. Petrochemistry of sandstones from Neoproterozoic basins of the Bastar craton, Central Indian Shield: Implications for paleoweathering, provenance and tectonic history. Island Arc, 18: 352-374, doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.2009.00667.x ISSN: 1440-1738. Impact factor: 1.348.
41. M.E.A. Mondal and M. Raza, 2009. Tectonomagmatic evolution of the Bastar craton of Indian shield through plume-arc interaction: evidence from geochemistry of the mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of Sonakhan greenstone belt. In: (Eds.) Talat Ahmad, Francis Hirsch and Punya Charusiri, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, vol. 32, paper 7, doi: 10.3809/jvirtex.2009.00245. ISSN 1441-8142.
42. Salam Ranjeeta Devi, M.E.A.Mondal, M Masroor Alam and Rabindra Nath Hota, 2009. Petrography and textural characteristics of the Barail and the Surma Sandstones of Tamenglong area, Western Manipur, in relation to depositional processes and orogeny. Journal Indian Association of Sedimentiologists, 28: 77-86. ISSN : 0970-3268.
43. H. Wani and M.E.A. Mondal, 2010. Petrological and geochemical evidence of the Paleoproterozoic and the Meso-Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Bastar craton, Indian Peninsula: implications on paleoweathering and Proterozoic crustal evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 38: 220-232, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.01.003. ISSN: 1367-9120. Impact Factor: 2.714.
44. M.E.A. Mondal and M. Raza, 2010. Natural disasters- the Phenomena, Preparedness and Mitigation. In: K.K. Singh, L. Aleya, V. Singh and M. Singh (eds.), Natural Disasters, APH Publishing Corp., New Delhi, pp. 55-68. ISBN: 978-81-313-0917-9
45. M. Raza, V. R. Bhardwaj, A.H.M. Ahmad, M.E.A. Mondal, A. Khan and M. S. Khan, 2010. Provenance and weathering history of Archaean Naharmagra quartzite of Aravalli craton, NW Indian shield: petrographic and geochemical evidence. Geochemical Journal, Japan, 44:
331-345. ISSN 1880-5973. Impact factor: 1.94.
46. M. Masroor Alam, M.E.A. Mondal and Parwez Akhtar, 2010. Environemnetal pollution assessment of Hindon fluvial system: evidence from floodplain sediments and water. In: R.Khan, I.H. Farooqui, F. Basheer (eds.) Proc. Inter. Conf. on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Environment, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 195-198.
47. Salam Ranjeeta Devi and M.E.A. Mondal, 2010. Petrology and geochemistry of the Barail and the Surma sandstone of the Barak basin, western Manipur: implications for the crustal evolution and tectonic processes in the Indo-Myanmar orogenic belt. Memoir Geological Society of India No. 75, Indo-Myanmar Ranges in the Tectonic Framework of the Himalaya and Southeast Asia, pp. 175-192. Edited by Soibam Ibotombi, ISBN : 9788185867960
48. M.E.A. Mondal, 2010. Geochemical evolution of the Archaean Paleoproterozoic Bundelkhnad craton, central Indian shield: revisited. Jour. Economic Geology and Resource Management. 7: 69-80.
49. H. Wani and M.E.A. Mondal, 2011. Evaluation of provenance, tectonic setting and paleoredox conditions of the Meso-Neoproterozoic basins of the Bastar craton, Central Indian Shield: Using petrography of sandstones and geochemistry of shales.
Lithosphere, 3: 143-154, doi: 10.1130/L74.1, Geological Society of America. ISSN: 1947-4253. Impact Factor: 2.216.50. M.E.A. Mondal and M. F. Hussain, 2011. Classification of granitic rocks: a march from
alphabet soup to petrogenetic recipes. Current Sci., 100: 1138-1140. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043.51. H. Wani and M.E.A. Mondal, 2011. Geochemical characteristics of calcareous and non-calcareous shales from the Meso-Neoproterozoic basins of the Bastar craton, central Indian shield: implications for provenance, tectonic setting, paleoweathering and paleoredox conditions. Geosciences Journal, 15: 275-286. ISSN: 1226-4806. Impact factor: 0.836
52. V.R. Pradhan, J.G. Meert, M.K. Pandit, G. Kamenov and M.E.A. Mondal, 2012. Paleomagnetic and geochronological studies of the mafic dyke swarms of Bundelkhnad craton, central India: implications for the tectonic evolution and paleogeographic reconstructions. Precambrian Research, 198-199: 51-76. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.11.011. ISSN: 0301-9268. Impact Factor: 4.918.
53. M.E.A. Mondal, H. Wani and Bulbul Mondal, 2012. Geochemical signature of provenance, tectonics and chemical weathering in the Quaternary flood plain sediments of the Hindon river, Gangetic plain, India. Tectonophysics, 566-567, 87-94. doi: 10.1016/jtecto.2012.07.001. ISSN: 0040-1951. Impact Factor: 2.947.
54. M.E.A. Mondal and Ausaf Raza, 2013. Geochemistry of sanukitoid series granitoids from the Neoarchaean Berach granitoid batholiths, Aravalli craton, northwestern Indian shield. Current Sci. 105: 102-108. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043.
55. M. Sayad Rahaman and M.E.A. Mondal, 2013. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Archaean Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG) and calc-alkaline granitoids of the Aravalli craton, northwestern Indian shield: implications for the crustal evolution. Gondwana Geological Magazine. 28: 1-10. ISSN: 0970-261X
56. M. Sayad Rahaman and M.E.A. Mondal, 2015. Evolution of continental crust of the Aravalli craton, NW India, during the Neoarchaean –Palaeoproterozoic: evidence from geochemistry of granitoids. International Geology Review, 57: 1510-1525. doi:10.1080/00206814.2014.950607. ISSN 0020-6814 (Print), 1938-2839 (Online). Impact Factor: 2.628.
57. M.E.A. Mondal, 2015. Modern trends and challenges of classification and genesis of granitic rocks. In: Frontiers of Earth Science, K.L. Srivastava and P.K. Srivastava (eds.) Scientific Publishers (India), pp. 464-476. ISBN :978-81-7233-926-9.
58. Mir Md. Ramiz and M. E. A. Mondal, 2015. Orbicular Structures near Pichhore, Shivpuri district, Bundelkhand Craton: forerunner for geoheritage site. Current Sci. 109: 684-687. ISSN 0011-3891. Impact factor: 1.043.
59.Tariq Siddique, M. Masroor Alam, M.E.A. Mondal and V.Vishal, 2015. Slope Mass Rating and kinematic analysis of slopes along National Highway-58, near Jonk, Rishikesh, India. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Elsevier., 7: 600-606. ISSN: 1674-7755. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrmge.2015.06.007.
60.M.E.A. Mondal Ismail Samiullah Hamidullah and M. Masroor Alam, 2016. Road cut slope stability assessment using slope mass rating and kinematic analysis near Srinagar, Uttarakhand. In: M.A. Khan, M. M. Alam, A Usmani and K Ali (eds.) Proc. National. Conf. on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, 61-65.ISBN: 9789385777608.
61. M.E.A. Mondal, Tariq Siddique, Mohammad Alam and M. Masroor Alam, 2016. Rock Mass Rating and kinematic analysis for slope stability investigation of Utari Dam, Lalitpur district, Uttar Pradesh. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 87: 463-468. ISSN: 0016-7622 (print version) ISSN: 0974-6889 (electronic version). Impact Factor 0.513.
62. M.E.A. Mondal, Tariq Siddique, Bulbul Mondal and M. Masroor Alam, 2016. SMR Geomechanics and kinematic analysis near Rasulpur, Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 87: 623-627. ISSN: 0016-7622 (print version) ISSN: 0974-6889 (electronic version. Impact Factor 0.513.
63. Iftikhar Ahmad, M.E.A. Mondal and M. Satyanarayanan, 2016. Geochemistry of Archaean metasedimentary rocks of the Aravalli craton, NW India: implications for provenanace, paleoweathering and supercontinent reconstruction. Jour. Asian Earth Sci., 126:58-73, Elsevier, Impact factor: 2.762
64. H. Wani and M.E.A. Mondal, 2016. Geochemical evidence for the Paleoproterozoic arc – Back arc basin association and its importance in understanding the evolution of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone. Tectonophysics, 690: 318-335. Elsevier, Impact factor: 2.764.
65. Iftikhar Ahmad and M.E.A. Mondal, 2016. Do the BGC-I and BGC-II domains of the Aravalli craton, northwestern India represent accreted terranes? Earth Science India, 9: 167-175, eISSN: 0974 – 8350.
66. Mir Md. Ramiz and M. E. A. Mondal, 2017. Petrogenesis of mafic magmatic enclaves of the Bundelkhand granitoids near Orchha, Central Indian shield: Evidence for rapid crystallization. In: Halla, J., Whitehouse, M. J., Ahmad, T. & Bagai, Z. (eds) Crust–Mantle Interactions and Granitoid Diversification: Insights from Archaean Cratons. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 449, 159-173,, Impact factor: 3.3.
67. M.E.A. Mondal, Iftikhar Ahmad and Mir Md. Ramiz, 2017. Precanbrians of India ( A report on the National Conference and Field Workshop held at Jhansi on Nov. 22-24, 2016). Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 89: 222p.
68. M.E.A. Mondal and V. Balaram, 2017. A report on the National Conference & Field Workshop on “Precambrians of India” November 22-24, 2017 at Jhansi. Jour. Applied Geochemists, 19: 231-232.
69. H. Wani, S. A. Dar, and M. E. A. Mondal, 2017.Occurrence of Unusual Unarmored, Unlithified Fossil Mud Balls in Plio-Pleistocene Lacustrine Sediments, Kashmir, India. The Journal of Geology, 125: 479-486,, University of Chicago Press, USA, Impact factor: 2.015
70. Iftikhar Ahmad and M.E.A. Mondal, 2017. Report on National Seminar on “Recent Advances and Challenges in Geochemistry, Environmental and Sedimentary Geology” Feb 27, 2017, A.M.U., Aligarh. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, 19: 351-352.
71. Salam Ranjeeta Devi, M.E.A. Mondal and John S. Armstrrong-Altrin, 2017. Geochemistry and factors controlling on the weathering and erosion of the Barail Group of Rocks, NW Manipur, India. Jour. Indian Association of Sementologists, 34:9-16.
72. T. Siddique, S. P. Pradhan, V. Vishal, M. E. A. Mondal and T. N. Singh, 2017. Stability assessment of Himalayan road cut slopes along National Highway 58, India. Environ Earth Sci, 76:759, DOI 10.1007/s12665-017-7091-x
73. Iftikhar Ahmad, M.E.A. Mondal, Rajneesh Bhutani and M. Satyanarayanan, 2018. Geochemical evolution of the Mangalwar Complex, Aravalli Craton, NW India: Insights from elemental and Nd-isotope geochemistry of the basement gneisses. Geoscience Frontiers, 9:931-942. DOI, Elsevier, Impact factor : 4.160.
74. A. Raza and M.E.A. Mondal, 2018. Geochemistry of the Archaean metasedimentary rocks of the Bundelkhand Mauranipur-Babina greenstone belt, central India: Implications for provenance characteristics. Jour. Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 35: No. 1, pp.57-76 ISSN 0970-3268.
75. B. Mondal, M. F. Hussain and M.E.A. Mondal (2018). Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from Sonakhan greenstone belt, north-east Bastar craton, central Indian shield: implications for provenance, paleoweathering and tectonic setting. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, 20: 325-343.
76. Mir Md Ramiz, Md. Erfan Ali Mondal and Syed Hilal Farooq (2018). Geochemistry of ultramafic–mafic rocks of the Madawara Ultramafic Complex in the southern part of the Bundelkhand Craton, Central Indian Shield: Implications for mantle sources and geodynamic setting. Geological Journal,1–23,, Wiley, Impact factor: 1.949.
77. Ram S. Sharma and M. E. A. Mondal (2019). Evolution of the Indian Shield: A New Approach. In: M.E. A. Mondal (ed.), Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield, 17-38. Springer,
78. Iftikhar Ahmad, M. E. A. Mondal and M. Satyanarayanan (2019). Archean TTG Magmatism in the Aravalli Craton, NW India: Petrogenetic and Geodynamic Constraints. In: M.E. A. Mondal (ed.), Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield, 179-204. Springer,
79. Md. Sayad Rahaman, M. E. A. Mondal, Iftikhar Ahmad, R. Bhutani and A. K. Choudhary (2019). Geochemical and Nd Isotopic Studies of the Neoarchaean-Palaeoproterozoic Granitoids of the Aravalli Craton, NW India: Evidence for Heterogeneous Crustal Evolution Processes. In: M.E. A. Mondal (ed.), Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield, 327-350. Springer,
80. M. Faruque Hussain, V. Vanthangliana and M. E.A. Mondal (2019).Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Metasedimentary Rocks Forming the Basement of the Shillong Plateau, Northeast India. In: M.E. A. Mondal (ed.), Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield, 373-399. Springer,
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- Edited Book SPRINGER
Geological Evolution of the Precambrian Indian Shield, 2019 Springer
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-89698-4, ISBN 9783319896984 (online) 9783319896977 (print)