Dr. Mohammad Irfan Ahmad
Ph D
Assistant Professor
Structural Geology, Model deformation and studies (Sandbox Analogue Modelling)
Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002
Dr Mohammad Irfan Ahmad did Ph.D. in Structural Geology from Department of Earth Sciences University of Pavia, Italy, in 2011. He joined the Department of Geology Aligarh Muslim University as an Assistant Professor in November 2015. The main focus of his Ph. D. thesis is to study thrust system and deformation pattern of outer fronts of the Northern Apennines and the Southern Alps buried beneath the Po Plain foreland, Northern Italy. That includes construction and restoration of balanced geological cross sections in order to understand deformation history and describe the geometry of deep structures. His Ph.D. research work also focus on Sandbox analogue models under compressive regime in order to simulate kinematic evolution of natural geologic structures, to understand effects of syntectonic sedimentation on kinematics and geometry of thrust wedge, to understand effects variable basal friction and decollement dips on kinematics of thrust wedge.
Dr Ahmad is recipient of Young Researchers Fellowship under Indo-Italian Fellowship. Prior to joining this department, Dr Ahmad was working as Domain Expert with 3D Structural Modeling Group in ONGC (KDMIPE), Dehradun. Where, he involved in construction of regional balanced geological cross-sections extending across Tripura-Cachar fold belt in order to work out structural evolution of the area. He also worked as Research Associate in Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun.
Dr Ahmad's present research interest includes quantitative analysis of slip variations along faults, and Interactions between transcurrent faults and thrust belt tectonic fronts insights from analogue models. The research work is being carried out in collaboration with Dr Giovanni Toscanni (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pavia, Italy).
- Publication
- Ahmad M. I., Toscani G. (2019) Variation in geometries and displacement along thrust faults: a quantitative analysis from sandbox models. International Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol. 108 (5), pp 1527-1550. DOI:10.1007/s00531-019-01718-6.
- Ahmad M.I, Dubey A.K.,Toscani G., Bonini L., and Silvio S. (2014) Kinematic evolution of thrust wedge and erratic line length balancing: insights from deformed sandbox models. International Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol. 103 (1), pp 329-347. DOI 10.1007/s00531-013-0947-8.
- Toscani G., Bonini ., Ahmad M.I., Di Bucci., Guilio Di., Seno S. (2014) Opposite verging chains sharing the same foreland: kinematics and interactions through analogue models (Central Po Plain, Italy). Tectonophysics. Vol 633, pp 268-282. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.07.019.
- Choubey V. M., Ahmad M.I., Kamra L., and Ramola R.C. (2010) Radon Variations in Soil and Groundwater of Bhilangana Valley, Garhwal Himalaya, India. Japanese Journal of Health Physics. V 45 (3), 278-283.
- Stereographic Projection