M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Geochemistry and Igneous Petrology
Department of Geology, AMU, Aligarh.
I am working as a Professor in the Department of Geology, AMU, Aligarh for the last 21 years and teaching mainly Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology and Geochemistry. After completion of Ph.D. on Geochemistry of Proterozoic Granites from Kullu-Rampur Window, Himachal Pradesh, NW Lesser Himalaya, presently I am focusing on Geochemistry of Sedimentary rocks from the Himalaya. On this theme I have carried out 05 Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India sponsored Research Schemes and presently one such scheme on "Geochemistry and Isotopic studies of Neo-Tethyan Permo-Triassic (P/T Boundary) siliciclastic rocks from Guryul Ravine, Kashmir region, northern India" is in progress. I have published 42 Research Papers in peer reviewed National and International Journals such as Journal Geological Society of India, Current Science, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Gondwana Research, Geological Journal etc. I am the reviewer of many National (JGSI, Current Science) and International journals (Chemical Geology, Gondwana Research, Geological Journal etc). I have also attended many National and International conferences abroad and presented Research Papers in countries such as England, Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland. I am the member of International Geochemical Society, USA, International Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), USA, Life Member Geological Society of India, Bangalore. I have been elected as Associate Fellow, Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh. Apart from 20 M.Sc. dissertations, 4 students have completed Ph.D. degrees and 06 students are currently perusing doctoral thesis under my supervision.
- Publication
Key Publications
1. S.A.Rashid and S.M.Zainuddin, 1995. The Lower Paleozoic granitic magmatism near
Ranikhet, Kumaon Himalaya: major and trace element geochemistry and tectonic setting.
Journal Geological Society of India, 46: 15-25.
2. D.Rameshwar Rao, S.A.Rashid and G.V.C. Panthulu, 2000. Origin of Mg-Metatholeiites
of the Schirrmacher region, East Antarctica: Constrains from trace elements and Nd-Sr
isotopic systematics. Gondwana Research., 3(1): 91 – 104.
3. K.K.Sharma and S.A. Rashid, 2001. Geochemical Evolution of Peraluminous
Paleoproterozoic Bandal Orthogneiss, NW Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh, India:
Implications for the Ancient Crustal growth in the Himalaya. Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences. 19/4: 413-428.
4. S.A. Rashid and K.K.Sharma. 2001. Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Proterozoic
Bandal mafic rocks, Himachal Pradesh, NW Himalaya. Gondwana Research. 4/3: 509-518.
5. S. A. Rashid, 2002. Geochemical Characteristics of Mesoproterozoic Clastic
Sedimentary rocks from the Chakrata Formation, Lesser Himalaya: implications for
crustal evolution and weathering history in the Himalaya. Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences. 21/3: 283-293.
6. S. A. Rashid, 2004. The Rare Earth Element geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic clastic
sedimentary rocks from the Rautgara Formation, Lesser Himalaya: Implications for
provenance, mineralogical control and weathering. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, vol.
2, pp. 226.
7. Shaik A.Rashid, 2005. The Geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic clastic sedimentary rocks
from the Rautgara Formation, Kumaun Lesser Himalaya: implications for provenance,
mineralogical control and weathering. Current Science. 88: 1832-1836.
8. Shaik A.Rashid, 2005. The Geochemistry of Surface Soils from the Garhwal region,
NW Lesser Himalaya: an evidence for Neotectonic activity in the area. Journal of
Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Japan. 100: 175-183.
9. Shaik A. Rashid, 2008. Major and trace elements distribution in a weathering profile of
a granite gneiss at higher altitudes. Current Science, 95: 1474 - 1478.
10. Shaik A. Rashid and Naqeebul Islam, 2009. Petrogenesis of a crustal-derived
Palaeoproterozoic Bomdila Orthogneiss, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast Lesser
Himalaya. In: Magmatism, Tectonism and Mineralization (Ed. Prof. Santosh
Kumar).McMillan Publishers, New Delhi. pp.92 – 101.
11. Shaik A Rashid, 2009. Precambrian Granitic magmatism in the NE Lesser Himalaya:
implications for Ancient Tectonics. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, vol. 32, paper 5.
12.Javid A. Ganai , Shaik A. Rashid , M. Masroor Alam , V. Balaram and M.
Sathyanarayanan. 2014. The geochemistry of Permo-Carboniferous black shales from
Spiti region, Himachal Pradesh, Tethys Himalaya: A record of Provenance and change in
climate. Himalayan Geology, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 31-39.
13. Shaik A. Rashid, Javid A Ganai, Ather Masoodi and Fareed A. Khan. 2014. Major
and trace element geochemistry of Lake sediments, India: implications for weathering
and climate control. Arabian Jour. of Geosciences. Vol. 8, pp. 5677 - 5684.
14. Javid A. Ganai and Shaik A. Rashid. 2015. Rare earth element geochemistry of the
Permo-Carboniferous clastic sedimentary rocks from the Spiti Region, Tethys
Himalaya: significance of Eu and Ce anomalies. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
(Now Acta Geochimica). 34: 252 – 264.
15. Shamshad Ahmad and Shaik A Rashid, 2015. Provenance and weathering history of the
Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks from the Bomdila Group, Arunachal Pradesh,
NE Lesser Himalaya. Journal of Applied Geochemistry.17: 190 – 198.
16. Shaik A Rashid and Javid A Ganai, 2015. Preservation of Glacial and Interglacial
phases in Tethys Himalaya: Evidence from geochemistry and petrography of Permo-
Carboniferous sandstones from the Spiti region, Himachal Pradesh, India. Arabian
Journal of Geosciences. 8: 9345-9363.
17. Shaik A Rashid and Javid Ganai (2018). Depositional environments, provenance and
paleoclimatic implications of Ordovician siliciclastic rocks of the Thango Formation,
Spiti Valley, Tethys Himalaya, northern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 157:
18. Javid A Ganai, Shaik A Rashid, Shakil Romshoo. (2018). Evaluation of
terrigenous input, diagnetic alteration and depositional conditions of Lower
Carboniferous carbonates of Tethys Himalaya, India. Solid Earth Sciences,
Elsevier Publications, 3: 33-49.
19.Shaik A Rashid, Shamshad Ahmad, Sunil K Singh and Nurul Absar (2018). Elemental
and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry of Mesoproterozoic sedimentary successions from
NE Lesser Himalaya, northern India: implications for Proterozoic climate and
Tectonics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 163: 235-248.
20. Javid Ganai and Shaik A Rashid (2019). Anoxia and fluctuating climate recorded
from the Carboniferous black shales, Tethys Himalaya, India: A multi-proxy approach
International Journal of Earth Sciences. 108(3), 863-883.
21. Shaik A Rashid, Shamshad Ahmad, Naqeebul Islam and Javid Ganai, (2019).
Precambrian crustal history unraveled from the geochemical studies of post-Archean
rocks, Arunachal Pradesh, NE Lesser Himalaya. In: Geological Evolution of the
Precambrian Indian Shield (Editor: M.E.A. Mondal). Springer International
publications. Pp. 551-575.