CFD, Turbulence and Fluid Structure Interaction
311, Wadi e Ismail, Dhorra Mafi, Aligarh
Dr. Anwer obtained his Bachelors and Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and Thermal Science with a specialization in CFD from Aligarh Muslim University in 2000 and 2002 respectively. He then proceeded to Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT, New Delhi and completed his Doctorate in 2006. He was awarded the Best Post graduate project at IIT Delhi in 2006 for his doctoral work. He then joined Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2007 as Assistant Professor. After spending some time at this department he proceeded to Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mecanique et les Sciences de I'Ingenieur, (LIMSI), Paris, France on CNRS fellowship to complete a Post Doctoral programme in 2009-2010. Since then he is serving in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ZHCET, AMU Aligarh. He has also served as Visiting Faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur in 2015-16. He loves teaching and has taught a number of courses to Bachelors and Masters students in his area of interest particularly Fluid Mechanics and Computational Heat and Fluid Flow. His research interests are Turbulence, High Temerature Gradient Flows, Non Oberbeck-Boussinesq Flows, Heat Transfer in Enclosures and Annuli, Insect Aerodynamics, Fluid Structure Interaction. His Major Research Publications include Journal of Computational Physics, Physics of Fluid, Computers and Structures, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications, Industrial Engg and Chemistry Research, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Heat Transfer Engineering
- Publication
- Mohd. Imran Ansari, Hamid Siddiqui, Abdus Samad, S Fahad Anwer,“On the Optimal Morphology and Performance of a Modeled Dragonfly Airfoil in Gliding Mode”, 2019, Physics of Fluid, Volume 31, Issue 5 , 2019, DOI:10.1063/1.5093230
- Anwer, S.F., Hasan, N., Sanghi, S. and Mukherjee S.,“Computing of Unsteady Flows With Moving Boundaries Using Body Fitted Curvilinear Moving Grids”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 87, 2009, pp 691-700.
- Hasan, N., Anwar, S. F. and Sanghi, S.,“On the outflow boundary condition for external incompressible flows: A new approach”, J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 206, 2005, pp 661-683.
- Hasan, N., Anwer, S.F. and Sanghi, S.,“Natural convection in a bottom heated horizontal cylinder”, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17(6), 2005, 064105
- SM Yahya, SF Anwer, S Sanghi, “Phenomenological and statistical analysis of turbulence in forced convection with temperature dependent viscosity under Non-Boussinesq condition” , European Physical Journal E (Springer), Vol 36 (10), 2013, pp 1-14
- SM Yahya, SF Anwer, S Sanghi, “Enhanced heat transfer and fluid flow in a channel behind photovoltaic panel in hybrid PVT system” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (American Chemical Society Publication), 2013, 52 (51), pp 18413–18420 DOI: 10.1021/ie402460n
- SM Yahya, SF Anwer, S Sanghi, “Turbulent forced convective flow in an Anisothermal channel”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Elsevier), 2014
- SM Yahya, SF Anwer, S Sanghi, “LES of Stably Stratified with Varying Thermo-physical Properties”, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A : Applications (Taylor and Francis), 2014
- Jawed Mustafa, M Altamush Siddiqui, S Fahad Anwer, “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Tall Vertical Concentric Annular Thermo-siphon at Constant heat Flux Condition”, Heat Transfer EngineeringJournal, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2018.1446867
- SM Yahya, SF Anwer, S Sanghi, “Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: a tool to study the underlying physics of turbulence”, Jurnal Teknologi (Malaysia), Vol 79, No 7-3, 2017,(, E-ISSN, 2180-3722
- Mohd. Imran Ansari and S Fahad Anwer, “Numerical Analysis of an Insect Wing in Gliding Flight: Effect of Corrugation on Suction Side”, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 2019, 14 (4), 259-279, doi:10.32604/fdmp.2018.03891