Budget Section
Budget Section
Functions of the Budget Section, Finance & Accounts Department
- Preparation of Budget Estimates/Revised Budget Estimates of the University.
- Preparation of Schedule of Establishment of the University for the purpose of Salary Budget.
- Convening the Finance Committee meetings for consideration of Budget Estimates/Revised Budget Estimates /Annual Accounts of the University/ Separate Audit Report and other financial matters which are included in the Agenda of the meeting and its follow up action of the Finance Committee.
- Preparation of the information required by the UGC/MHRD/IQAC from time to time.
- Preparation of replies of the Audit Objections/Audit Memo related to the Budget Section raised by the Government Auditors.
- Allocation of Departmental Development Charges to the Departments of the University.
- Preparation of Annual Report related to the University Finances.
- Correspondence on the proposals /letters/files received from various departments /offices of the University relating to the Budget provisions, additional funds and other related information.
- Re-appropriation of funds from one subhead to another subhead of Non-Salary Component.
- Preparation of Utilization Certificates of Maintenance (Block) Grant (Salary and Recurring).
- Providing information under RTI Act to the information seeker under the provision of RTI Act, 2005.

Finance Officer and Joint Finance Officer