Internal Audit Office
Internal Audit Office
The Internal Audit Office is headed by the Internal Audit Officer. The Internal Audit Office provide adequate check over the financial transactions of the University and scrutinizes various account records pertaining to revenue and other receipts and expenditure to ensure that:
a) errors of omission and commission and leakage of revenue, if any, are speedily brought to notice and checked; and
(b) correct accounts are maintained and presented to the University authorities.
The functions of the Internal Audit Section are as under:
1. To check the accounts of the University departments/offices and its maintained Institutions.
2. To look into the general accounting procedure and make suggestions for improvements in the procedure, if needed.
3. Pre-audit of the bills of various departments/ offices presented for payment from University funds falling under following categories:
(a) Final payment of Provident Fund
(b) Bills for works and bills for refund of security deposits including the agreements relating to major works.
4. Post-audit of the following on a suitable scale:
(a) Audit of Cash Receipts
(b) Audit of Cash Expenditure
(c) Audit of Accounts Registers etc.
(d) Stock Accounts and other records
5. To check the fixation of pay whether on general revision of pay scales or on appointment, promotion etc., especially in the case of re-employed pensioners and particularly the pay fixations as per Central Pay Commission guidelines.
7. To check the encashment of leave, arrears of employees.
8. Audit of Endowment funds and quasi-commercial units.
9. To investigate reported occurrences of fraud, embezzlement, theft, etc. as per order of the Competent Authority.
10. To conduct internal audit of atleast 25% departments of the University in every financial year.
11. To make arrangements for the Government Auditors to conduct the Audit of Annual Accounts of the University smoothly.
Note: For more details please see Chapter-XXII of Manual of Office Procedure of the Finance and Accounts Department, AMU, Aligarh.