P.F. Section
P.F. Section
The functions of the P.F. Section, Finance & Accounts Department are;
- to maintain the accounts of the subscribers to the General Provident Fund(G.P.F), Contributory Provident Fund (C.P.F) and New Pension Scheme (N.P.S);
- to keep record of nominations filed by the subscribers of G.P.F and C.P.F;
- to examine applications for loans/withdrawals from the General Provident Fund and Contributory Provident Fund and to obtain orders of the competent authority thereon;
- to maintain the proceedings of the meetings of the Provident Fund Committee;
- to deal with cases of final payments of the G.P.F and C.P.F of a subscriber;
- to prepare and render an annual account of each subscriber to the G.P.F and C.P.F;
- to put up proposal for the investment of available surplus balances in the provident Fund;
- to submit proposal regarding determination of the rate of interest to be allowed to the subscribers to the Provident fund each year;
- to prepare annual balance Sheet of Provident Fund; to transfer N.P.S contribution of subscribers to the Central Record keeping Agency;
- to deal with cases of final payments of the N.P.S of a subscriber and forward the application to Central Record Keeping Agency for payment;

Finance Officer and Joint Finance Officer