Department of Political Science
News and Publication
Dept. data last updated on :22/03/2025
- Iqbalur Rehman, Communalization of Terrorism in India: A Perspective, Lambart, 2016.
- Mirza Asmer Beg, Indo-ASEAN Trade and Investment: Historical and Contemporary Perspective .IOS, New Delhi
- Abdulrahim P. Vijapur, Human Rights in International Relations (New Delhi: Manak Publications, 2010). This book has been subsidized by Government of India, through NBT, for the benefit of students. ISBN 978-81-7831-212-5
- Abdulrahim P. Vijapur, and Rashmi Doraiswami (eds.), Globalization and the Third World: Issues, Perspectives and Challenges (New Delhi: Manak Publications, 2009). ISBN 978-81-7831-199-9
- Abdulrahim P. Vijapur, (ed), Implementing Human Rights in the Third World ? Essays on Human Rights, Dalits and minorities (New Delhi: Manak Publications, 2008, ISBN 81-7827-192-3
- Md. Aftab Alam (co-authored), Indian Government and Politics (Delhi: Pearson, 2010) ISBN 978-81-317-3312-7
- M. Mohibul Haque, International Terrorism and Violence: A Human Rights Perspective (Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Press, New Delhi: Manak Publications, 2011). ISBN 978-81-7831-265-1
- Mirza Asmer Beg, Muslims in India: Perspectives, Planning and the Road Ahead, (ed.) with A.R. Kidwai, Concept Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.
- Mirza Asmer Beg, Perspectives on National Integration, (ed.) with A.R.Kidwai, Viva Publications, New Delhi, 2012.

Chairperson and Professor