Ph.D Question Paper IInd Human Rights Session 2021-2022 | | 25/02/2025 |
Ph.D Question IInd Paper Political Science 2022-2023 | | 20/02/2025 |
Ph.D Question Ist Paper 2022-2023 | | 20/02/2025 |
M.A IVth Semester CBCS 2023-24 | | 20/02/2025 |
M.A IInd Semester CBCS 2023-24 | | 20/02/2025 |
B.A VIth Semester CBCS 2023-24 | | 20/02/2025 |
B.A IVth Semester FYUP 2023-24 | | 20/02/2025 |
B.A IInd Semester FYUP 2023-24 | | 20/02/2025 |
BA. Ist Semester Examination (FYUP) for the Session (2022-2023 | | 24/11/2023 |
MA IV Semester Examination 2018-2019 | | 28/05/2022 |
MA II Semester Examination 2018-2019 | | 28/05/2022 |
| | 30/11/2021 |
BA. IInd Semester Examination for the Session (2018-2019) | | 02/05/2023 |
M.A. Entrance Question Paper for the Session (2020-2021) | | 17/03/2023 |
Minutes of BOS Meeting 17-11-2021 | | 02/12/2022 |
Minutes of BOS Meeting 25-05-2022 | | 02/12/2022 |
M.A. Entrance Question Paper for the Session (2018-2019) | | 18/03/2023 |
Public Administration Phd question papers (Paper 2) Session 2019 | | 17/08/2023 |
Public Administration Phd question papers (Paper 2) session 2021 | | 17/08/2023 |
Phd Political Science question paper | | 17/08/2023 |
Phd Political Science question paper | | 17/08/2023 |
Phd Political Science question paper II session 2021 | | 17/08/2023 |
Phd Political Science question paper II session 2020-21 | | 17/08/2023 |
M.A. Entrance Question Paper for the Session 2022-2023 | | 01/09/2023 |
M.A. Entrance Question Paper for the Session 2023-2024 | | 01/09/2023 |
BA. Vth Semester (Political Science) Examination for the Session 2022-2023 | | 30/11/2023 |
MA Ist Semester Examination 2022-2023 | | 07/12/2023 |
MA IIIrd Semester Examination 2022-2023 | | 07/12/2023 |
Skill Enhancement Courses | | 15/12/2023 |
B.A IIIrd Semester Examination for the session 2022-2023 | | 19/12/2023 |
BA (II Semester) 222-2023 | | 10/02/2024 |
BA (II Semester) 2018-2019 | | 10/02/2024 |
BA (IV Semester) 2018-2019 | | 10/02/2024 |
BA (VI Semester) 2018-2019 | | 10/02/2024 |
MA IV Semester Examination 2022-2023 | | 12/02/2024 |
MA II Semester Examination 2022-2023 | | 12/02/2024 |
Phd Political Science question paper I Session 2022-23 | | 28/03/2024 |
Phd Political Science question paper II Session 2022-23 | | 28/03/2024 |
Phd Human Rights question paper Session 2022-23 | | 23/01/2025 |
MA I Semester Examination 2023-2024 | | 30/10/2024 |
MA III Semester Examination 2023-2024 | | 30/10/2024 |
BA III Semester FYUP Examination 2023-2024 | | 30/10/2024 |
BA I Semester CBCS Examination 2023-2024 | | 30/10/2024 |
BA V Semester CBCS Examination 2023-2024 | | 30/10/2024 |
Revised List of Newly Admitted Candidates along with Enrolment No. & Faculty Roll No. in M.A. (Political Science / Public Administration / Human Rights) for the Session: 2020-2021 | | 20/03/2021 |
NAAC Criteria 5.2.1 | | 17/03/2021 |
Syllabus for Open Elective B.A. & M.A. Courses | | 02/03/2021 |
Faculty Members_ Paper Publications in Journal | | 04/03/2021 |
M.A. Program Outcome | | 20/03/2021 |
B.A. Programme Course Outcomes & Objectives | | 22/03/2021 |
Ph.D. Old Question Paper for the Session (2019-2020) Section -A
| | 16/04/2021 |
Ph.D. Old Question Paper for the Session (2019-2020) Section -B | | 16/04/2021 |
SSR 3.4.1 Matrices: RAC for Ph.D.SSR 3.4.1 Matrices: RAC for Ph.D.
| | 23/02/2021 |
SSR 3.4.1 Matrices: Research EthicsSSR 3.4.1 Matrices: Research Ethics
| | 23/02/2021 |
Online Classes Time Table of B.A I, IV & VI Semester, for the session 2020-2021 Department of Political Science, AMU Online Classes Time Table for B.A. I, IV and VI Semester 2020-2021 | | 18/01/2021 |
Online Classes Time Table for M.A. I & IV Semester for the session 2020-2021 Department of Political Science, AMU Online Classes Time Table for M.A. I & IV Semester 2020-2021
| | 18/01/2021 |
Useful downloads | | |
Useful downloads ICSSR-Sponsored National Seminar on ?Towards a Just India' | | |
Useful downloads List of Eligible / Not-Eligible Applicants Applied for M.A. (Political Science / Public Administration / Human Rights Session 2019-2020 | | |
Useful downloads Answer key, M.A Admission test 2019-2020 | | |
Useful downloads Revised Ans Key of M.A. Entrance Test 2018-2019 Question No. 68 | | |
Useful downloads | | |
Useful downloads List of Eligible/Not-Eligible Candidates Applied For Ph.D. (Political Science/Public Administration/Human Rights (Session 2018-2019) | | |
Useful downloads Answer Key, Ph.D Admission Test, 2017-2018 | | |
Useful downloads Open Elective PLB-592: BASIC POLITICAL CONCEPTS AND INDIAN CONSTITUTION Syllabus | | |
Useful downloads Syllabus for M.A. (III) Semester (Political Science) Open Elective PLM-3091: INDIAN POLITY | | |