Department of Surgery
Dept. data last updated on :19/03/2025
Journals Department of surgery had edited and produced many issues of journals. We had published the official journal of UPASI from 2012-2016. Prof. Mohammad Habib Raza was editor of this journal from 2012- 2016. Prof. AZ Rab was Joint Editorial Secretary, Surgery -2011 (Journal of UP Chapter ASI). Formerly Editorial Assistant Journal of Neurosciences: an official journal of U.P. Neuroscience Society. Dr. Mohd Sadik Akhtar was the joint editor of Journal of UP Chapter ASI from 2012- 2016 Dr. Md Yusuf Afaque is the Editor of -Clinical and Medical Case Report Editorial board member-
Surgery Insights
Reviewer - | 25/11/2021 |

Chairman and Professor