Dr. Mohd. Sadik Akhtar
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery
I completed my masterâ??s in general surgery from JNMC, AMU in2006. I then joined as a surgical registrar at PGIMER Chandigarh and worked for three years till January 2010. I joined department of surgery JN Medical College AMU Aligarh as assistant professor in 2010 and passed DNB exam in 2012.My special areas of interest is gastro-surgery and hepato-biliary surgery including surgery for portal hypertension .I am passionate about teaching and have keen interest in carrying out research in these subjects. I have published papers in national and international journals like Indian journal of surgery, Indian journal of endocrinology, Indian journal of chest diseases and allied sciences, International journal of case reports and imaging among others. Presently I am working as assistant professor in the department of surgery. I am a consultant surgeon looking after Upper GI Surgery Specialty Clinic with Prof. M.H. Raza.
- Publication
- Marble in Oesophagus of Neonate: A Unique and Unprecedented Case Report. Sayyed Ehtesham, Mohammed Haneef Beg, Azam Haseen and M Sadik Akhtar. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 2015, 3, 31-34.(google scholar indexed)
- Index Admission Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gall Stone Pancreatitis. M Sadik Akhtar, WM Ali, TA Khan et al. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2016;2(2):148-52. (Index Copernicus, index medicus)
- Trichobezor in a young women: A case report. MH Raza, M Sadik Akhtar, M Ahmad et al. SURGERY (UP Chapter ASI). 2013; 26: 32-37
- A clinical and microbiological study of diabetic foot patients at JNMC, AMU, Aligarh. M Ahmad, MH Raza, M Sadik Akhtar et al. SURGERY (UP Chapter ASI). 2013; 26( 31): 32-37
- Prolapse of small bowel through vaginal introitus following illegal abortion: a case report. M Ahmad, M H Raza, M Sadik Akhtar. surgery 2014, (UP Chapter ASI) Vol 27, issue 32, 2014: 46-7
- Gastro intestinal lymphoma. MH Raza, M Sadik Akhtar. Upasicon 2014, nov14-16, 2014
- Omphalolith a cause of peritonitis: A case report. M Ahmad, MH Raza, M Sadik Akhtar et al. SURGERY (UP Chapter ASI) 2015; 30(34): 33-35 ISSN: 0970-5716
- An unusual cause of toe necrosis. MS Bandhawar, M Sadik Akhtar, A Behera et al. Indian J Endocr Metab 2013;17:160-2(Index Copernicus, Pubmed Central, SCOPUS)
- Cholecystopyloric fistula with gastric outlet obstruction- a rare form of gall stone ileus and its management. Surgery2013:vol-25 30, 2013 ;40 42
- Radiological Quiz, pseudopancreatic cyst with chronic pancreatitis, Surgery 2013, Vol 25(30): 46-47.
- Forecast of difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy by sonography. SA Rizvi, SA Ali, M Sadik Akhtar et al. Bio Medical Research 2012 Vol. 23, Issue 3, 425-429.( Scopus, Excerpta medica , EMBASE, J-Gate)
- An evolution of current management of common bile duct stones. SA Rizvi, SA Ali, M Sadik Akhtar et al. Surgical clinics of India, 2012; 1(2)
- Comparison of Ramosetron and Ondansetron for control of postoperative nausea and vomiting following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. MM Ansari, OA Siddiqui, S Haleem, R Varshney, M Sadik Akhtar et al. Indian J Med Sci 2010;64:272-80(Index Copernicus, , Pubmed Central ,SCOPUS)
- Radiological Quiz, splenic abscess Surgery, 2012 Vol-24, 29; 2012: 46-47
- Post-traumatic Synchronous Twin Inter-muscular Abdominal and Diaphragmatic Hernias: A Rare Presentation. M Sadik Akhtar, MH Beg, SA Ali et al. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2012 Jul-Sep;54(3):193-5(Index Medicus, Medline)
- Isolated traumatic giant diaphragmatic hernia mimicking a haemopneumothorax: a report of two cases. M Sadik Akhtar, MH Beg, A Kumar. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences. 2012;54:259–326(Index Medicus, Medline)
- Isolated hydatid cyst of the breast- a case report. NI Kamali, MH Raza, AZ Rab, M Sadik Akhtar. Indian J Surg (pubmed central)
- Use of bone-cutter to tackle a frozen lead: a novel technique. M Sadik Akhtar Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012 28:276–2779 (SCOPUS, Google Scholar, IndMed, SCImago)