Therapeutic Endoscopy, ERCP, Laparoscopy & Surgical Trauma
Hafeez Manzil, Marris Road, Aligarh-202001.
I was appointed as Assistant Professor in the department of Surgery in November 1999. Apart from being actively involved in the teaching of the MBBS, MS (Surgery) and BDS students, I also teach students of Diploma in Surgical Endoscopic techniques, Diploma in Operation theatre management and Diploma in physiotherapy and rehabilitation Apart from being an Endoscopist and a laparoscopic surgeon, my special interest is in field of surgical trauma and its management. Notable international journals in which I have published papers are J Med Case Rep, J Laryngol Otol, Ann Afr Med and ANZ J of Surgery to name a few. I was awarded the Prestigious Fellowships of association of Surgeons of India (FAIS) in 2006 and fellowship of International College of Surgeons (FICS) in 2010 Apart from being involved in academics and patient care I also assist the hospital in its management as Deputy Medical superintendent (DMS) since 2010. I was promoted as Associate Professor in 2009 and became a Professor in 2012. For the past few years apart from performing complex surgical procedures I am actively involved in therapeutic endoscopies and ERCP''s.
- Publication
Prof. Syed Hasan Harris
Papers published: 2014-2019
1) Kamal M, Khan R, Maheshwari V, Harris SH. Evaluation of stromal CD10 expression and its correlation with other clinico-pathological factors in invasive breast carcinoma. Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology, 2019; 6(3):417-421.2) Khan R, Juneja B, Afroz N, Shafiq S, Harris S H.Effect of Vitamin D on Sex Hormones in pateints with Type-2 Diabetes mellitus. International journal of Scientific Research,2019;8(8).
3) Khan R, Ahmed M, Harris SH, Hasan MF. Helicobacter pylori infection and its association with histomorphological changes in the gall bladder of patients with chronic cholecystitis. Global Journal of Research analysis,2019; 8(7), 7-10.
4) Piyush AR, Khan R, Harris SH, Mahehwari V. Histomorphological and endoscopic analysis of biopsies from various lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract in a tertiary health care centre. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2018;17(5.: 77-88.
5) Piyush AR, KhanR, Harris SH, Mahehwari V. Diagnostic efficacy of different techniques for detection of Helicobacter Pylori in upper gastrointestinal tract pathologies. International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review.2017; 8(6):MS2022520231.
6) Ansari MM, Haleem S, Akhtar MS, Ali WM, Harris SH. Spontaneous Rupture of Incisional Hernia - A Case Report. Open Access J Surg. 2017; 4(1): 555626. DOI: 10.19080/OAJS.2017.04.555626
7) Ali WM, Ansari, MM, Rizvi SAA, Rabb AZ, Mansoor T, Harris SH, Akhtar, MS. TenYear Experience of Managing Giant Duodenal Ulcer Perforations with Triple Tube Ostomy at Tertiary Hospital of North India. Indian Journal of Surgery, 2016 DOI: 10.1007/s12262-0161538-2
8) Usmani H, Hasan M, Alam MRN, Harris SH , Mansoor T, Quadir A. Effect of preamputation lumbar sympathectomy on stump pain of lower limbs in patients of thromboangitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease) Indian Journal of Pain 2016; 30,132-37.
9) Harris SH, Ansari MM, Gupta AR, Afroz N. Isolated appendicular tuberculosis: A rare cause of acute appendicitis. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine 2015; 5: 11416.
10) Siddique B, Khan R, Nasreen T, Faridi SH, Harris SH, Ahmed SS. Mixed medullary and papillary carcinoma thyroid in a young female- a rare case report. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res.2015;1: 26-28.
11) Haque MA, Husain M, Harris SH, Usmani J. Trauma to spleen: A marker to assess the prognosis in blunt trauma to abdomen cases. J Indian Acd Forensic Med. 2015; 37: 38587.
12) Khan R, Narula V, MaheshwariV, Harris SH. Cavernous Hemangioma of the penis mimicking malignancy. Asian J Med Clin Sci. 2014 ;3(2) :40-41.
13) Harris SH, Khan R, Ansari MM, Maheshwari V. Incidentally discovered giant mucocele of the appendix. JCPSP 11/ 2014; 24:196-197.