Dr. Wasif Mohammad Ali
M. S., MRCS(Eng)
Ali Cottage, Infront of Javed P.C.O, Shokat Manzil, Dodhpur Aligarh, 202002 (UP) India
I choose surgery because I love the intricacies of anatomy andchallenges of the surgery. The power of decision making required at the operating table is the thing that facinates me the most. As a qualified surgeon, I always had passion towards teaching as this improves the clinical acumen and skill. In an academic institute, Ican continue my research, for better patient care and academics and thus fulfilling the motto of my life ABSORB AND RADIATE
- Publication
- Khursheed Alam, Asif Zaman, Zarina Arif, Moin Uddin, Wasif Mohd Ali, Kafil Akhtar. A study On Immunogenic, hepatopathic, and dyslipidemia properties of fructosylated -HAS -AGE-and binding of serum autoantibodies of obese and overweight patients with fructosylated – HAS – AGE. Plos One
- WM Ali, Maneesh K B, SAA Rizvi, AZ Rab. Gallbladder Cancer Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Adv Res Gastroentero Hepatol. 2018; 11(1): 555802
- Ali WM, Ali I, Rizvi SAA, Rab AZ, Ahmed M (2018) Recent Trends in the Epidemiology of Liver Abscess in Western Region of Uttar Pradesh: A Retrospective Study Aug 5,2018 . J Surg Anaesth 2: 117.
- Wasif M Ali, Meraj Ahmed, AZ Rab, SAA Rizvi, Rahil Rafiq, et al. (2017) Acute Presentation and Management of Abdominal Tuberculosis at A Tertiary Care Centre. Gastroenterol Hepatol J 1:105.
- Shahbaz Habib Faridi, Mohammad Aslam, Wasif Mohammad Ali, Bushra Siddiqui, Nadeem Mushtaque Ahmed. A Study of Mesh repair in emergency inguinal hernia surgery Surgical Chronicles 2016; 21 (1), 17-20
- Akhtar MS, Ali WM, Khan TA, Raza MH, Ahmed M. Index Admission Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Gall Stone Pancreatitis. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2016; 2(2):148-52.
- Mohammad Ali W, Ahmed M, Amjad Ali SR et al Parotid gland tuberculosis Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(2):398–400
- Wasif Mohammad Ali, MM Ansari, Deeba Khanam, Shahbaz Habib Faridi Gossypiboma To Err Is Human – A case Report. International Archives of Biomedical and Clinical Research Oct- Dec 2015; 1 (2):29 – 32
- Wasif Mohammad Ali, MM. Ansari, Syed Amjad Ali Rizvi, A. Z Rab, Tariq Mansoor, Syed Hassan Harris, Mohd Sadiq Akhtar. Ten-Year Experience of Managing Giant Duodenal Ulcer Perforations with Triple Tube Ostomy at Tertiary Hospital of North India. Indian Journal Of Surgery February 2018, Volume 80, Issue 1, pp 9–13
- Wasif Mohd Ali, Zaid Imbisat, Syed Amjad Ali Rizvi and Atia Zaka-ur-Rab Incidental Carcinoma Gallbladder: Presenting As Metastatic Satellite Nodules in Anterior Abdominal Wall - A Rare Case Report Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology February 2017 Volume 3 Issue 3,p1-2
- Wasif Mohammad Ali, Imad Ali, S.A.A. Rizvi, A.Z Rab. Liver abscess and its various complications: A retrospective study at a tertiary care Centre. Indian Journal of Research. March 2018, Vol 7, Issue 3, p1-3
- Laparoscopic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Versus Open Mesh Lichtenstein Repair of Inguinal Hernia: A Comparative Analysis International Journal of Medical Research and Review July,2016 (in Vol 4 Issue 7 of 2016
- M Aslam, Zulqarnain Masoodi, Wasif M Ali. (2010) Giant Vesical Calculi: A Rare Experience. Indian Journal of Surgery;Jun2010, Vol. 72 Issue 3, p275 Journal Scope: ISSN: 0972-2068(print version) ISSN: 0973-9793 (electronic version) H Index: 6 SJR 2004 – 2011:0 .11 Impact Factor 2011 0.083 Abstracted/Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed/Medline, PubMed, Pub Med Central, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, EBSCO, CAB International, Academic Search, CAB Abstracts, CINAHL, Current Abstracts, Global Health, Highbeam, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, InfoTrac One File, OCLC, PubMed, SCImago, Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SIIC) Databases.
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