P.F. Section
Subscriber may apply for a withdrawal /Temporary Advance out of his GPF/CPF Scheme through proper channel downloading prescribed format from website of the P.F Section for the following purposes as are under
For withdrawals
(i) Education- This will include primary, secondary and higher education, covering all stream and institutions.
(ii) Obligatory Expenses viz. betrothal, marriage, funerals, or other ceremonies of self or family members and dependents.
(iii) Illness of self, family members or dependents,
(iv) Purchase of consumer durables.
For illness, the withdrawal may be allowed upto 90% of the amount standing at credit of the subscriber. A subscriber may seek withdrawal after completion of ten years of service.
(v) Housing including building or acquiring a suitable house or a ready built flat for his residence,
(vi) Repayment of outstanding housing loan,
(vii) Purchase of house site for building a house,
(viii) Constructing a house on a site acquired,
(ix) Reconstructing or making additions on a house already acquired,
(x) Renovating, additions or alterations of ancestral house.
b) A subscriber may be allowed to withdraw upto ninety percent of the amount standing at credit for the above purposes. It is also decided do away with the present instructions which lay down that subsequent to the sale of house for which GPF withdrawal has been availed, the amount withdrawn has to be deposited back. A subscriber may be permitted to avail the facility at any time during his service.
(xi) Purchase of motor car/motor cycle/scooter etc. or repayment of loan already taken for the purpose,
(xii) Extensive repairs/overhauling of motor car,
(xiii) Making deposit to book a motor car/motor cycle/scoter, moped etc.
(xiv) to meet the expenses for Haj pilgrimage
c) A subscriber may be permitted to withdraw three-fourth of the amount standing at credit or cost of the vehicle, whichever is less for the above purposes. Withdrawal for the above purpose will be permitted after completion of 10 years of service.
d) Presently, withdrawal of upto 90% of balance without assigning reasons is allowed for Government servants who are due for retirement on superannuation within a year. It is proposed that this may be allowed for upto two years before superannuation.
e) In all cases of withdrawal from the fund by the subscriber, the declared head of Department is competent to sanction withdrawal. No documentary proof will be required to be furnished by the subscribers. A simple declaration form by the subscriber explaining the reasons for withdrawal would be sufficient.
f) As per the GPF(CS) Rule 1960, no time limit has been prescribed for sanction and payment of withdrawal amount. Therefore, it has been decided to prescribe a maximum time limit of fifteen days for sanction and payment of withdrawal from the fund. In case of emergencies like illness etc., the time limit may be restricted to seven days.
For Advances
i. Illness of self, family members or dependents,
ii. Education of family members or dependent of the subscriber. Education will include primary, secondary and higher education, covering all streams and educational institutions,
iii. Obligatory Expenses viz. betrothal; marriage, funerals, or other ceremonies,
iv. Cost of Legal proceedings,
v. Purchase of consumer durables,
vi. Pilgrimage and visiting places of eminence. This will include any travel and tourism related activities
vii. Cost of defence,
2. It has been decided to enhance the limit of advance upto 12 months of pay or three-fourth of the amount at credit, whichever is less.
3. The declared Head of Department is competent to sanction an advance from the fund for reasons not covered above
4. The sanctioning authority shall record in writing its reasons for granting the advance. Provided that if the reason is of a confidential nature, it may be communicated to the Finance Officer personally and / or confidentially
5. Maximum time limit of fifteen days is being prescribed for sanction and payment of an advance from the Fund. In case of emergencies like illness etc., the time limit maybe restricted to seven days.
6. In all the above cases of advance, no documentary proof is required to be furnished by the subscriber. A simple declaration by the subscriber explaining the reasons for advance would be sufficient.
7. Amount of advance will be recoverable in a maximum of 60 installments. The advance may be sanctioned by the declared Head of Office.
After examine applications of withdrawal /Temporary Advance from the GPF /CPF these are placed before the competent authority to whom sanctioning powers/passed for payment assigned accordingly.
Finally, cheques in question were sent to AFO(Cash) for disbursement where subscriber may collect desired cheque.
At the time of retirement, a request letter is being sent to each subscriber well before time of his/her retirement to submit his/her request for the final payment.
After examine the requests of final payment, a input sheet/statement is prepared and send it to Inter Audit Officer for its checking.
Thereafter the case of final payment is placed before the Vice-Chancellor or who may be assigned, for obtaining approval.
After taking approval, the payment in terms of cheque is prepared and sent to AFO(Cash) for disbursement. After completion, the retiree is informed in writing through HOD.
In case of death, the input sheet/statement is prepared similarly in case of retirement, is paid to the nominee(s)/ legal eligible family member as per rules.
At the time of joining who appointed on or after 01.01.2004 is mandatory to submit registration form to be a member of New Pension Scheme along with necessary documents
After examine such requests are sent to Facility Centre (FC) fo generation of PRAN Card as NPS guidelines.
The NPS Tier I account matures only when the subscriber reaches the age of 60, at that time, 60 per cent of the corpus can be withdrawn lump sum, while the remaining 40 per cent has to be utilized to buy an annuity plan unless the value of the total corpus does not exceed Rs 5 lakh.. If he chooses to close the account prematurely, at least 80 per cent of the corpus has to be utilized to buy an annuity plan.
Conditions to fulfil for a partial withdrawal
Although the NPS Tier I account
allows a partial withdrawal before the subscriber reaches the age of 60, there
are some conditions attached to it, as listed below:
- The subscriber must have completed at least three years.
- Partial withdrawals can be made only three times during the entire tenure.
- The money should be utilized only for any of the following purposes:
- Higher education or marriage of children
- Purchase or construction of a residential house. However, the subscriber should not have any other house in his name.
- Expenses related to skill development/re-skilling or any other self-development activities
- Establishment of own venture or start-up
- Medical and incidental expenses arising out of the disability or incapacitation suffered by the subscriber
- Treatment of self, spouse, children or dependent parents in the case of any of the following specified illnesses: cancer, kidney failure, primary pulmonary arterial hypertension, multiple sclerosis, major organ transplant, coronary artery bypass graft, aorta graft surgery, heart valve surgery, stroke, myocardial infarction, coma, total blindness, COVID-19, paralysis and any serious or life-threatening accident
- There should be a gap of at least five years between any two partial withdrawals. This condition is removed if the money is required for any medical emergency.
- The subscriber cannot withdraw more than 25 per cent of the contributions made by him.
The process to make a partial withdrawal
Earlier, the
partial-withdrawal request was approved by the nodal officer following the
verification of all supporting documents as the evidence of the mentioned
purpose. However, in a bid to reduce the turnaround time and to make the
procedure more agile, partial withdrawals can now be made only through
self-declaration without any supporting document. The process is completely
online. Here are the broad steps:
- Log in to the CRA website by using the login credentials for your NPS Tier I account.
- Go to 'Transact' and select 'Partial withdrawal'.
- Select the amount and reason for the partial withdrawal.
- Verify your bank account and contact details.
- Authenticate by using the OTP sent to your mobile/email.
- The amount will hit your bank account on the fifth working day after you submit the online request.