Prof. Abdulrahim P. Vijapur
M.A. (Karnatak), M.Phil., Ph.D. (JNU), LL.M. (Essex)
Human Rights, Minority Rights, Dalit Studies, Human Rights in Islam, Federal Nation Building in India
Post: Golsangi-586231, Dist:- Bijapur, Karnataka
Abdulrahim P. Vijapur specializes in International Human Rights Law, Minority and Dalit Rights, Federal Nation-building in India, Islamic concept of rights and women's rights. Previously he was Visiting Professor in Human Rights Studies Programme (February-March 2015), in the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He was also a Visiting Professor to ICCR Chair at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (2013-2014). During July-December 2014. he taught a course on International Human Rights Law In the Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi. He was Director, (1996-1999), Centre for Federal Studies, Jamia Hamdard (Deemed University), New Delhi. During 2005-2007 he was Professor, Ford Foundation Endowed Chair in Dalit Studies at the MMAJ Academy of Third World Studies of Jamia Millia Islamia. During 1988-89 he was offered Fellowship by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) of the British Government to pursue LL.M. Course at the University of Essex. He was the 21st Century Trust (London) Fellow during 1992. He attended advance courses at the Academy of American and International Law at Dallas, USA (1993), Hague Academy of International Law (1991) and International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France (1989). He was invited to participate and present papers in International Conferences held in Alston, Edinburgh (UK); Osaka (Japan), Hannover (Germany), Adelaide (Australia), Jerusalem (Israel), Wembley, Middlesex, U.K. Toronto, and Istanbul, Turkey. He was invited to deliver lectures at H.N. Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar, Pune University, University of Mumbai, Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University of Kerala, Karnataka University , Banaras Hindu University.and Pondicherry University. He is adviser to Union Public Service Commission and has been a member of various Committees of UGC. He was Chairman of Human Rights and Duties Committee of UGC for XI Plan.
He has authored, co-authored and edited or co-edited ten books, contributed 35 book chapters,published 62 research papers and articles and 21 Units of Reading Material to IGNOU courses (in Human Rights, Conflict Management and Peace Studies, Gandhi and Peace Studies, Political Science, Comparative Politics, and International Relations. He has also reviewed 11 books. His papers are published, among others, in International Studies, India Quarterly -- A Journal of International Affairs, Indian Express, Social Action, Indian Journal of International Law, World Affairs (all from New Delhi); Turkish yearbook of Human Rights(Ankara); New Quest (Poona); The Muslim World League Journal (Mecca), Talizibul Akhlaq, Indian Journal of Politics (both from Aligarh), Radical Humanist (Bombay); International Politics (Tehran, Iran), Human Rights Education in Asian Schools (Osaka, Japan), International Journal of Peace Studies (Pattani, Thailand).