B.A (Hons.)AMU Aligarh, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil),JNU,New Delhi, Master of Arts,JNU,New Delhi, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D),AMU, Aligarh
Political Theory, Political Philosophy, Indian Politics:Structures and Processes and Globalization & Development Studies
Hirah Apartment,Iqra Colony,Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh,
9897769949 ,
After completion of my matriculation with first division in 1988 from a small district town of Gopalganj in Bihar, out of various paths available to pursue further studies,destiny finally took me to Aligarh.From 1988-1990,I completed my Senior Secondary School (10+2) in History, Political Science and Hindi with first division from what is now named as Saiyyad Hamid Senior Secondary School, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh while boarding in Allama Iqbal Hall located in front of the school. It was really a feel of the historic moment as the new building of the 10+2 was inaugurated in our batch.
After this first brush with legendary campus of AMU ,I got admitted in graduation course with Political Science as Honours subject , History and Philosophy as subsidiaries. We were then totally immersed in the humungous activities of the campus life with our classes in Arts faculty building while boarding in Ross Masood Hall (RM Hall).In 1993 finally came out as graduate with flying colours maintaining the streak of first division. In those three years ,the world still unknown was revealed to us by teachers of such repute as Professor(s)Irfan Habib,Shireen Moosavi, K Subramaniam,A.R Vijapur,T.A Nizami,Arif Hameed, Ishtiyaq Ahmad,Murtuza Khan.
In 1993 after memorable five years in Aligarh,I qualified the Masters test for Jawaharlal Nehru University,New Delhi and got enrolled in Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences wherein I completed my M.A and M.Phil programmes. JNU was altogether a new experience which many times jolted my old beliefs, values and attitudes. No body how isolated an individual is can escape from the ideas and radicalism breezing through Aravallis in which an adventure called as JNU was majestically ensconced.
After some unsuccessful shots at Civil Services examinations finally got veered towards academic world and armed with JRF/NET of UGC roamed across the country facing selection committee interviews for Lecturer in colleges and universities. Finally in the year 2003 got my first academic career break when the results of Bihar Universities Service Commission was declared after a gap of valuable five years. I landed up as Lecturer in Political Science at Jagdamb College,Jai Prakash University,Chhapra, Saran, Bihar. This college and township of Chhapara will be forever etched in my heart and memory as this was my first place of employment and training in college teaching.
Although many considered it as a downslide for me but holding my confidence and trust in myself,I tried for opportunities in other universities and within three years in 2006 was selected as Lecturer in the Department of Political Science , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.It was almost a homecoming getting a life long desire to serve in my first Alma Mater.Whenever coming to AMU always felt like a child in the mother's lap.
Since then ,there is no looking back.It was again here where I finished my long pending Ph.D. My other academic curiousities took me to places like Madras University, University of Mumbai,Banaras Hindu University,Jamia Millia Islamia,Kumaon University , Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Cambridge University, University of Zurich,Switzerland and London School of Economics and Political Science, London,Uk for various conferences and seminars.
This also led to publications of nearly two dozen journal articles and a text book on Indian Government and Politics published by Pearson as co-author.
Now even after reaching to the top of the academic hierarchy, the child like passion and curiousity for new knowledge as dazzling as when first arrived at Aligarh remains intact.Many conundrums shaping ideas and thoughts in the mind has the potential to explore more and move me to new journeys and destinations.
- Governing the Global World Order: Looking Through Realist and Liberal Paradigms Download PDF
Unlike national societies and systems, it is generally assumed that international society of nations lack formal institutional framework of governance comparable to notion of state sovereignty. To a large extent, this assumption is quite plausible as exact replication of state sovereignty has not been achieved in international system. Thus, there is no supra sovereign governing the nation states constituting the international community. But on the contrary, there is myriad of international institutions, organizations, conventions, protocols which are able to establish a set of rule-settings for state actions greatly eclipsing the classical idea and exercise of state sovereignty. This is an undeniable fact that at no point of time of human civilization, people and communities spread across the globe in concrete national and state identities have been so close due to epic revolution in the fields of information and communication technology. As a resultant factor, there is a definite paradigm of global world order. Globe has shrunk to the extent that interaction among these national communities has achieved greater speed and volume. Every activity of these national communities are getting governed and regulated by a framework of rules commonly agreed by the majority of them. From seas to space, war to peace, trade to commence, postal to aviation, one can imagine any possible areas of those international interactions among the states, one finds a voluminous amount of international treaties, conventions, protocols, organizations, international non- governmental organizations, mass and digital media, global public opinion which restrict the unbridled exercise of state sovereignty and bound it to the global rules of governance in a profound manner. The notion of the global world order has gained wide currency and has received extensive academic acceptability as a viable theoretical construct to make sense of the type of the world we are placed in at the moment. If there is a global world order then in what ways this order has been achieved? It has been achieved through definite, conscious and historic growth towards global governance both in its theoretical and institutional forms. Within various theoretical attempts to grasp this phenomenon of global governance, Realist and Liberal paradigms provide two broad prisms to understand the theoretical viability and institutional infrastructure of global governance. This research paper is a humble attempt to explain the main concerns of the theoretical stands of realist and liberal paradigms and various sub-streams emerging with them.
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In The Cycle Rickshaw with a Ghost and Other Stories
- Governing the Global: Conceptual Explorations and Possibilities
Published a Chapter titled Governing the Global: Conceptual Explorations and Possibilities in Rahman, Anisur and Tiwari, Niharika. (eds.) Globalization, Governance and Human Rights: The South Asian Experiences, Concept Publishing Pvt. Ltd. : New Delhi, 2022. (ISBN: 978-93-5439-056-2) pp. 3-14.
Making a sharp departure from the traditional concept of government, the paradigm of governance is now at the centre stage of popular political discourse and occupying greater theoretical concerns in the disciplines of political science, public administration, sociology, public policy and development studies. Governance as a concept refers to a process in which the state plays a strategic but not the dominant role. Globalization is a combination of internationalization, political and economic liberalization and a technological revolution. It is not a new process. Traders, travelers, religious missionaries, imperial military adventures were the main vehicles of earlier phases of global interactions. These in contemporary times have got accelerated with greater intensity, velocity and impact due to developments in the field of information technology and communication. In the contemporary era of increased and rapid paced global political interconnectedness, a vast network of international régimes and organizations have emerged to guide and manage transnational activities like trade & commerce, financial flows, development and reconstruction, global crime, diseases, environmental pollution etc. These collective policy problems require global responses and are no more confined to the traditional purview of a sovereign state. At this point, the ascending concept of global governance provides the much needed analytical tool to grasp and describe the phenomenon of global interdependence and regulations. The analytical terms like governance and globalization can be conveniently merged together to understand this unique instance of international regulations and control of a myriad of activities at a scale rarely witnessed in entire human history ever. Is it possible to explore a theoretical connection between the concepts of governance, globalization and global governance? What are the diverse ideological-theoretical perspectives available on these concepts? Are these theoretical constructs strong and adequate enough to provide explanatory models to capture the contemporary global multidimensional processes?
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