Account Section
Account Section
Accounts Section, Registrar’s Office deals with the following works
- Payment of T.A./D.A. in cash to Outside Experts/Visitors Nominee of various Selection Committees and payment of TA to external candidates who attend the interview.
- Payment of T.A. to University Employees who are deputed by the University for Official works outside Aligarh.
- Payment of T.A. to University Employees who are referred outside Aligarh for Medical Treatment.
- Payment of TA/DA to External Examiners, Members of Board of Studies(BOS) and outside members of AC/EC/FC/AMU Court and other Academic Bodies.
- Process the applications of University employees who are availing LTC/HTC facility.
- Process the Temporary Advance requisition of University employees who apply to avail advance on LTC/HTC facility.
- Process the payment of LTC/HTC Claim/Adjustment account of University Employees.
- Process the TA Bills on the retirement of University Employees.
- Dealing with the cases of liveries issued to Multi Tasking Staff of Registrar’s Office.
- Process the Recoupment/Adjustment of Registrar’s Contingency/GTA/AC/EC/FC/AMU Court and other Academic Bodies and other head of the Accounts.
- Purchasing & processing the bills of Stationery/Consumable items etc. through GeM portal.
- Payment of Membership fees to Commonwealth Universities, Association of Indian Universities and other Unions/ Association/ Societies/ Centre & Institutions.
- Payment of all kinds of Bills of Registrar’s Contingency, Legal Expenses, Annual maintenance Contract Bills etc.
- Clearance report of the Retirees of Registrar’s Office, Dues/No Dues & Last Pay Certificate of University Employees after retirement.
- Payment of Bills of University Counsels/Advocates at Lower Court/High Court & Supreme Court.
- Postage of all external Dak of the Registrar’s Office through Post Office/Courier.
- Process the application received under Right to Information (RTI).

Office: Accounts Section, Registrar's Office AMU Ext: 1144