Selection Committee (Teaching)
Selection Committee
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
The Selection Committee Section (Teaching) of the Registrar’s Office is a very important section. The office deals with the work of holding General Selection Committees for recruitment of Teachers on Cadre Post as well of CAS. Besides, the Departmental Promotion Committees and Screening Committees are also convened by the Section where the promotions of Non-Teaching Staff and University Teachers are involved in the Career Advancement Scheme. To achieve the goal of following steps are taken:
Proposal for advertisement received from different Departments/Colleges/ Schools/Centres are processed for obtaining approval of the Vice-Chancellor to advertise these posts.
Applications Forms received in response to the advertisements are scrutinized and a statement is prepared post-wise indicating the particulars of the candidates.
Application Forms along with computerized statements are sent to the concerned Head of the Department/Scrutiny Committee to determine the eligibility in the light of advertised qualifications.
The recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee/Head of the Department concerning eligibility are submitted for approval of the Vice-Chancellor. After approval of the Vice-Chancellor, further steps are taken.
Interview letters are issued to the eligible candidates for appearing in the Interview on the date fixed by the Vice-Chancellor.
The Experts and Visitor’s Nominees are also contacted to give his consent to take the Interview of the candidates on the date fixed by the Vice-Chancellor.
Apart from above, the permission for holding Local Selection Committee (LSC) against short term vacancies of less than one year are also processed by this Office. Recommendations of the LSC received from the Dean of the Faculty concerned are put up before the Vice-Chancellor for his approval.
All other matters relating the Selection Committees like representation/writ petition/RTI applications and correspondence with the Ministry and other dignitaries are also processed by the Sections.
