Grievance Committee
Grievance Committee
Office of the Registrar
(Grievance Committee)
Aligarh Muslim University
Grievance Committee is a committee of the Executive Council of the University Professor Wasiur Rehamn, the then Pro-Vice-Chancellor was the first Chairman and Prof. Ishrat Farooqi, Department of Commerce was the first convener of the committee. Initially, this committee was housed in the Department of Commerce. In the year 1988 when Mr. Javed Usmani, IAS was Registrar, the Office of the Committee was shifted to Registrar's Office and this was given a status of a full-fledged section. Presently this Section is located on the 3rd floor of the Registrar's Office which is consists of three committees.
1. Standing Establishment-cum-Grievance Committee
(deals with the appeal under Section 36A and 36B of the AMU Act)
2. Standing Committee for Condonation of break-in Service
Section 36A of the AMU Act
36A Procedure of appeal and arbitration in disciplinary cases against students- (1) Any student or candidate for an examination whose name has been removed from the rolls of the University by the orders or resolution of the Vice-Chancellor, Discipline Committee or Examination Committee, as the case may be, and who has been debarred from appearing at the examinations of the University for more than a year may, within ten days of the date of receipt of such order or copy of such resolution by him, appeal to the Executive Council and the Executive Council may confirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Vice-Chancellor or the Committee, as the case may be.
(2) Any dispute arising out of any disciplinary action taken by the University against a student shall at the request of such student, be referred to a Tribunal of Arbitration and the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 36 shall, as far as may be, apply to the reference made under this sub-section.
Section 36B of the AMU Act
36B Right to appeal- Every employee or student of the University shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, have a right to appeal, within such time as may be prescribed by the Statutes, to the Executive Council against the decision of any officer or authority of the University and thereupon the Executive Council may confirm, modify or reverse the decision appealed against.
Statute 40A of the Statutes of the University
40A Time Limit to submit Appeal A person, entitled to appeal to the Executive Council under Section 36B of the Principal Act, must submit his appeal to the Registrar within three months of the date on which the decision, by which he has been aggrieved, is duly served on him.
Provided that a delay of not more than three months over and above the three months limitation period provided above, in filing appeal may be condoned by the Executive Council if it is satisfied that the delay was caused for reasons beyond the control of the appellant.